In the US, we see untold millions suffering from the impact of mass foreclosures and unemployment; in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Italy, stringent austerity measures are imposed upon the whole population; all coupled with major banking collapses in Iceland, […]
New World Order
Understanding the Ruling Elite
From New Dawn 127 (Jul-Aug 2011) Intense speculation on the ‘ruling elite’ many believe is running the world from behind the scenes can lead to the presumption that it is all-powerful and infallible. But is it? Identifying the human foibles […]
The Enlightened Ones: The Illuminati and the New World Order
From New Dawn Special Issue 11 (Autumn 2010) The world is governed by far different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.– Benjamin Disraeli, nineteenth century British prime minister, in a speech to Parliament […]
Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government
From New Dawn 118 (Jan-Feb 2010) So, who runs the world? It’s a question that people have struggled with since people began to struggle. It’s certainly a question with many interpretations, and incites answers of many varied perspectives. Often, it […]
Brothers of the Shadows: A Perspective on Conspiracies
From New Dawn 86 (Sept-Oct 2004) In his book Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace Gore Vidal suggests that the American public has been conditioned to respond to the word ‘conspiracy’ with a smirk and a chuckle. Conspiracy, in other words, is for […]