New Dawn 206


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Articles Inside New Dawn 206 (Sept-Oct 2024)

72 pages • A4 size • Full Colour Glossy Magazine
  • Deep State Deception: Inside the Plot to Kill Trump by Frank Joseph
  • Did ‘Illuminati: New World Order’ Predict Trump’s Brush with Death?
  • Yankees vs Cowboys: In the Shadows of Power by John Michael Greer
  • Web of Deceit: The Life & Death of Gary Webb by Marie D. Jones
  • American Addiction: The Root of the Problem by Marie D. Jones
  • Unveiling Dune: Exploring Secret Symbolism & Mystical Insights – Part 2 by Lesley Crossingham
  • Death of Empires: History Tells Us What Will Follow the Collapse of US Hegemony by Henry Johnston
  • The De-Souling of the World by Mattias Desmet
  • Stepping into a New Phase of the Transmutation Cycle: Meaningless & Neo-Nihilism at the End of the Age by Kingsley L. Dennis
  • Explained: Believing vs Knowing by Brendan D. Murphy
  • From Pandemic to Plutocracy: The Rise of the Bio-Tech Industrial Complex – Part 2 by Thomas Fazi
  • Why “Just Eat Less & Exercise More” Doesn’t Work for People Trapped in the SAD
  • Is Fluoride Bad For You?
  • How to Give Negative Feedback in a Positive Way
  • For More Success, Ignore Mainstream Advice


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