Articles Inside New Dawn 186 (May-June 2021)
72 pages • A4 size • Full Colour Glossy Magazine
Vaccine Passports: Your Ticket To Tyranny? by Patrick Henningsen
COVID Downunder: One Year On… Lockdowns, Suspension of Freedoms, Restrictions on Travel by Dr. Binoy Kampmark
Assimilate & Destroy: The Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in Exploiting Then Suppressing Natural Medicine by Dr. T.J. Coles
Puppet Masters: Were US Capitol Rioters Pawns in a Bigger Game? by Dr. T.J. Coles
Loneliness Kills by Fulana
Psycho-Power: ‘Automaton Conformity’ & ‘Freedom’ in a Post-COVID World by Kingsley L. Dennis, PhD
The Digital Extortion of Human Identity by Michael K. Emerson
Superhuman, Transhuman, Fully Human: Whose Future Is It? by Gary Lachman
Enlightenment & Gnosis: An Inquiry into Experiential Religion by Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller
The Mystery of the Lost Pillars of Enoch by Tobias Churton
False Spirituality is the Friend of Corrupt Power, True Spirituality is its Enemy by Caitlin Johnstone
A Better Way of Learning by Fred Dodson
Knocking on the Door of Our Unknown Selves by Michael Grosso