From New Dawn 178 (Jan-Feb 2020) American author Gary Lachman has long called London his home, but I caught up with him during a recent visit to Australia. Compact, quiet and stylishly dressed, Lachman’s gentle scholarly manner belies the fact […]
Secret Wisdom
The Gods Are Dead! Long Live the Gods!
From New Dawn 142 (Jan-Feb 2014) When the veil descended, men revered what it covered. And as time went on it seemed to hide more and more and was revered still more. Then, when it was heavy with age, young […]
On the Trail of Occulture
From New Dawn 166 (Jan-Feb 2018) Recently I returned to London after a week in Spain promoting a new translation of one of my books, and taking part in an International Occulture Conference held in León, an ancient city in […]
Hermes Resurrected: Does Hermetic Literature Hold Any Meaning for Today’s Seekers?
This article was published in New Dawn 165 (Nov-Dec 2017) I sometimes suspect that we deploy the word ‘Hermetic’ – a term for late ancient Greek-Egyptian mystical texts attributed to the mythical man-god Hermes Trismegistus, or thrice-greatest Hermes – as […]
The Witch – A History of Fear from Ancient Times to the Present: Interview with Professor Ronald Hutton
This article was published in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 11 No 4 (August 2017) A leading academic in the field of Neopaganism, Witchcraft, and Druidry, Ronald Hutton is Professor of History at the University of Bristol. During the 1990s, […]