From New Dawn 101 (Mar-April 2007) Enlightened people are like spiritual dynamos: they have a very strong presence which touches the people they come into contact with, transmitting something of their enlightenment to them. Even people who aren’t at all […]
Secret Wisdom
The I Ching, The Most Modern Ancient Wisdom Classic
From New Dawn 100 (Jan-Feb 2007) In a changing and unpredictable world, no classical text is more rewarding, or more challenging, than the ancient Chinese I Ching or Book of Changes. This classic presents itself as a book of divination […]
New Dawn Interview With Tobias Churton
From New Dawn 91 (Jul-Aug 2005) Tobias Churton is one of today’s most lively and spirited investigators of that underground stream of the Western tradition known as Gnosticism. He first became interested in the Gnostics while reading for a degree […]
Brothers of the Shadows: A Perspective on Conspiracies
From New Dawn 86 (Sept-Oct 2004) In his book Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace Gore Vidal suggests that the American public has been conditioned to respond to the word ‘conspiracy’ with a smirk and a chuckle. Conspiracy, in other words, is for […]
The Dawn of Aquarius: A New People, A New Consciousness, A New Era
This article was published in New Dawn 78 (May-June 2003) Aquarius will be the new age, the new life. First there will be disastrous events, gigantic upheavals, turmoil and change of all kinds….– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov (1900-1986) The transition to […]