This article was published in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 8 No 3 (June 2014) “In the world of Tradition,” writes Julius Evola, “the most important foundation of authority and of the right of kings and chiefs, and the reason […]
Secret History
Basil Zaharoff: Man of Mystery
If an Illuminati exists, then Basil Zaharoff was surely part of it, and if he wasn’t, he should have been. In the course of his long life (1849-1936), he garnered some 300 honours from thirty-one nations including two British knighthoods. […]
John Dee & the Magical Origins of the British Empire
From New Dawn 133 (Jul-Aug 2012) At last, the true purpose of John Dee’s invention of the ‘British Empire’, previously hidden, can now be revealed. Conventional wisdom holds that he was responsible for naming that empire, which became identified with […]
Doctor John Dee: The Dream of Empire, The Nightmare of History
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 11 No 3 (June 2017) I grew up and went to school in England, and am just old enough that when, age 12, I went to the newly mixed Comprehensive Secondary (which had been […]
Caodaism: How a Secretive Sect Based on Spirit Communication Shaped the Destiny of Vietnam
From New Dawn Special Issue 11 (Mar 2010) Caodaism was always the favourite chapter of my briefing to visitors. Caodaism, the invention of a Cochin civil servant, was a synthesis of the three religions. The Holy See was at Tanyin. […]