From New Dawn Special Issue 8 (Winter 2009) Every visible thing in the world is put under the charge of an angel. – St Augustine In 2002 the British newspaper The Sunday Telegraph reported that the Vatican had banned the veneration […]
Searching for the Dawn & Demise of Ancient Civilisation
From New Dawn Special Issue 8 (June 2009) When and where did civilisation begin? How far back in time does high culture go? Indeed, what do we mean by such terms as civilisation, or sophisticated and high culture? When I […]
The Spiritual Dimensions of the Martial Arts
From New Dawn 85 (Jul-Aug 2004) He who wishes to live in an oriental martial art, rather than to just practice it on a physical level, must so train his consciousness to attain a self-discipline that at last his conscious […]
Secret Teachings Reborn: The Mysterious Life of Manly P. Hall
This article was published in New Dawn 96 (May-June 2006) The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw an explosion of spiritual teachers and impresarios dealing in “secret wisdom.” Their ranks included hacks and frauds – as well as more […]
The Lost City of Angkor Wat & the Mysteries of a Great Asian Civilisation
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 6 No 1 (Feb 2012) Angkor Wat is a vast stone temple at the heart of an ancient stone city. But at the ends of its corridors and the centres of its hidden rooms […]