From New Dawn 142 (Jan-Feb 2014) We think of prophecy as a revealing of information that can include warnings or spiritual insights. In the Old Testament, prophets were revered and the wisdom they imparted considered of the highest authority. They […]
Gallipoli: The Untold Story – ‘The first casualty of war is truth’
From New Dawn 149 (Mar-Apr 2015) The truth about Gallipoli has, unlike its victims, been buried deep. Historians like Peter Hart who describe it as “an idiocy generated by muddled thinking”1 are justified in their anger, but not their conclusions. […]
Will Thinking Make It So? An Interview With Mitch Horowitz
This article was published in New Dawn 142 (Jan-Feb 2014) Much of today’s writing about spirituality is loaded with nonsense. Often it consists of little more than wild speculation, shoddy reasoning, and the repetition of a few stale truisms. A […]
Eternal Atlantis
From New Dawn 89 (Mar-Apr 2005) For more than one hundred years, mostly independent researchers who argued that Atlantis had in fact been destroyed by a great flood were ridiculed by mainstream scientists. Conventional scholars were convinced that Earth changes […]
The Changing Face of Russian Psi Research
From New Dawn 104 (Sept-Oct 2007) Were the Soviets really experts in paranormal research? Were they, as some researchers claimed during the Cold War, light years ahead of the rest of the world in the field of parapsychology? If so, […]