From New Dawn 153 (Nov-Dec 2015) An overlooked but powerful current is flowing in our time. It’s found in a small group of writers and thinkers who are trying to overcome the materialism and rationalism of the present age and […]
Secret Societies and The First World War
From New Dawn 146 (Sept-Oct 2014) This August [2014] the centenary of the beginning of the First World War was marked by the release of new books, magazine articles, radio programmes and television documentaries. There has also been considerable public discussion among mainstream academics and historians […]
The Secret Origins of the First World War
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 9 No 1 (Feb 2015) The history of the First World War (1914–1918) is a deliberately concocted lie. Not the sacrifice, the heroism, the horrendous waste of life or the misery that followed. No, […]
Where Does Consciousness Reside? Eben Alexander & the Brain-Mind Problem
This article was published in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 9 No 3 (June 2015) Why has Eben Alexander’s story caught the public imagination so intensely? Admittedly, not everyone has looked favourably upon his revelations. Much of the materialistic press […]
A Neurosurgeon’s Journey to Worlds Beyond: An Interview with Dr. Eben Alexander
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 9 No 3 (June 2015) Today the intellectual world is facing an insurrection. It has nothing to do with politics or economics. It is about worldviews. Contemporary intellectual thought is hidebound by a materialistic […]