This article was published in New Dawn 98 (Sept-Oct 2006) Richard Smoley and Jay Kinney need no introduction to New Dawn readers. After successful careers as editors of Gnosis (1985-1999), the highly respected US journal of esoteric knowledge, in 1999 […]
The Evidence for Time Travel
This article was published in New Dawn 98 (Sept-Oct 2006) My first non-fiction book on time travel came about wholly by accident. I was interested in trying to discover whether or not there was much hard evidence for the sort […]
Lemuria in Australia & the Pacific
From New Dawn 95 (Mar-Apr 2006) The most important questions we can ask are about ourselves, not only as individuals, but as a species. Where did we come from? How did we get here? A question that has bedevilled us […]
Alien Abductions and Star Kids: An Interview With Mary Rodwell
The following interview with Mary Rodwell appeared in New Dawn 97. Mary has contributed an article to New Dawn Special Issue Vol 11 No 2 in which she provides information on recent cases and breakthroughs in the area of alien […]
Mind Control in Australia
This article was published in New Dawn 153 (Nov-Dec 2015) Philosophers and pundits have long discussed the nature of ‘reality’ itself. For convenience and simplicity we might consider two parallel ‘realities’: one a ‘physical reality’ (the limitations of the body, […]