The ancient Chinese knew that connection with the living Chi (also spelled Ki or Qi) around them can help them find their place, meaning and purpose in a dynamic, ever changing world. In these modern times we can also stay […]
A Hundred Thousand Year Old Civilisation?
From New Dawn 98 (Sept-Oct 2006) In 1999, I was engaged in pursuing an intriguing little problem. Charles Hapgood, best known as the author of Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, had died as the result of a car accident […]
Live or Let Die: Do We Want A Transhuman Future?
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 7 No 4 (Aug 2013) Here’s an interesting surmise for us all. Could it be that the alien phenomenon witnessed by so many reliable observers is the product of a technology developed at other […]
The Man Who Conjured Hitler
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 7 No 3 (June 2013) Follow Hitler. He will dance, but it is I who have written the music.… Don’t weep for me: I shall have had more influence on the course of history […]
Sir Isaac Newton & the Land Where Time Began
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 7 No 3 (June 2013) The sixth-century BCE Greek philosopher-mystic Pythagoras was a man of spectacular achievement. Plutarch says that he taught an eagle to come at his command and stoop down to him […]