
Egyptian god of knowledge, wisdom & magic, Thoth, carved on the back of the throne of the seated statue of Rameses II. It was believed Thoth was the original source of important spiritual knowledge which was preserved in the Corpus Hermeticum.

Egypt in the Western Occult Tradition

This article was published in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 8 No 6 (December 2014) O Egypt, Egypt, of your reverent deeds only stories will survive, and they will be incredible to your children! Only words cut in stone will […]

A war time photo of Aleister Crowley imitating Britain's Prime Minister Winston Churchill, for whom he claimed to have invented the "V for Victory" hand sign.

The Magus Was A Spy: Aleister Crowley and the Curious Connections Between Intelligence and the Occult

From New Dawn 105 (Nov-Dec 2007) In Magick Without Tears, Aleister Crowley observed a fundamental similarity between the “Secret Chiefs,” the invisible and inaccessible Masters to whom he professed obedience, and “Captain A. and Admiral B. of the Naval Intelligence […]