From New Dawn Special Issue 11 So many books, articles and academic treatises have been written about the Order of Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem – usually shortened to the Knights Templar – that it is […]
Freemasonry’s Secret Science of Symbolism: Resurrection, Immortality, and the Secret Elixir
From New Dawn Special Issue 11 (Mar 2010) It was during its transitional phase of the early nineteenth century that Freemasonry began to change its public symbolism. During the eighteenth century, the skull and crossbones were used to mark the […]
A Lucid Look at Lucifer
From New Dawn Special Issue 10 (Dec 2009) We have to literarily, philosophically and theologically deconstruct certain concepts before we can really understand them. This is a process where we look beneath and beyond the commonly assumed folklore. Some readers […]
The Magic & Mysticism of Eliphas Lévi: The Father of Modern Occultism
The most influential figure in the centuries old story of Western magic and the Judaic Kabala (“the receiving”) was neither a Jew by birth or conversion. That being said and further contributing to the confusion, he learned Hebrew in order […]
Sufism & The Nine Unknowns
The French diplomat Louis Jacolliot (1837 – 1890) first alerted the West to the legend of the Nine Unknowns. Jacolliot claimed these unknown adepts were still alive and that he was in touch with them. But another French mystic, Saint-Ives […]