From New Dawn 145 (Jul-Aug 2014) For nearly half a century, Robert Monroe has been the “out-of-body” man, the man who took the subject of astral travel out of the realm of religious or occultist dogma and plopped it right […]
Saint-Yves d’Alveydre & The Synarchy of Agarttha
From New Dawn 151 (Jul-Aug 2015) The French writer Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre (1842-1909) was an extraordinary figure, a strange mixture of occultist and political philosopher. Born into humble circumstances, he led an adventurous life before marrying the wealthy former Countess […]
The Power of the Mind to Heal
From New Dawn 144 (May-June 2014) Physician heal thyself – Luke 4:23 In the past, cures that occurred in shrines, cathedrals, old temples, and evangelical crusades (tent revival meetings, healing camps), faith healing, spontaneous remissions, and inexplicable medical recoveries were […]
Spirituality in Today’s Vietnam
From New Dawn 148 (Jan-Feb 2015) The Vietnamese Buddha I have a great reverence for is Di Lac Phat, the Maitreya Buddha, the fat, laughing Buddha of the future. It is impossible to gaze upon his form for even a […]
Transformed by Lightning: Real Life Stories
There is little that’s positive about being struck by lightning. Generally, those unfortunate enough to be struck either die more or less instantly or, more likely, survive yet sustain much damage to their bodies. Most lightning strike survivors battle with […]