In 1884 the French occultist Saint-Yves d’Alveydre (1842-1909) decided to take lessons in Sanskrit. Having just published his definitive work on the secret history of the world, called Mission des Juifs (“Mission of the Jews”),2 he was anxious to deepen […]
Michel de Nostradamus: Fraud or a True Prophetic Savant?
The 16th-century French doctor Michel de Nostradamus, and his obscure yet hypnotic prophecies, have cast their spell on the world over the last four-and-a-half centuries. He has become a wellspring for wisdom and waggishness for a broad range of diverse […]
Revisiting Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth
From New Dawn 144 (May-June 2014) Perhaps myth first arose out of the answers parents give to their children’s questions. Many of these are unanswerable: Why is water wet? Why is fire hot? Where does everything come from? Who is […]

God’s Forgotten Wife
From New Dawn 123 (Nov-Dec 2010) Is God a man or a woman? Put baldly, this question seems ridiculous. And yet over the centuries it has proved almost impossible to keep from imagining the Supreme Being in a human form, […]
Entangled Minds: Telepathically Entering Another Person’s Lucid Dreams
From New Dawn 149 (Mar-Apr 2015) In the late 1970s I read the research on dream telepathy conducted at Maimonides Medical Center’s Dream Laboratory in New York.1 I was fascinated with how a person could send pictures into the minds […]