From New Dawn 163 (Jul-Aug 2017) Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.– George Santayana1 In May 2017, The Atlantic headlined “The Scramble for Post-ISIS Syria Has Officially Begun” as American-led forces are now directly attacking […]
Supernatural Stories of the Original People: An Interview with Steven Strong
Steven Strong (and his co-researcher/author Evan Strong) are no strangers to New Dawn readers. They are best known for their articles, interviews and publications on the controversial theory that Australia was the cradle of civilisation – the home of an […]
Mind at the Centre: The Radical Liberation of My Mental World
It is a curious fact that we have successfully used our minds to penetrate profound secrets of the physical universe, but when it comes to grasping the nature of our minds, we are baffled. This is the famous mind-body problem, […]
Dreams: Another Reality?
This article was published in New Dawn 135 (Nov-Dec 2012) For most of us, the dream world is the most immediate and pressing of all alternative realities. Its bizarreness, its sheer otherness, which presents itself to us every night, constantly […]
Ancient Cosmology: A Path to the Future?
From New Dawn 135 (Nov-Dec 2012) We all know the two celestial motions that have a profound effect on life and consciousness. The first, the diurnal motion or Earth rotating on its axis, causes mankind to move from a waking […]