This article was published in New Dawn 165 (Nov-Dec 2017) I sometimes suspect that we deploy the word ‘Hermetic’ – a term for late ancient Greek-Egyptian mystical texts attributed to the mythical man-god Hermes Trismegistus, or thrice-greatest Hermes – as […]
Cosmic Consciousness & Outer Spaces in Popular Culture
This article was published in New Dawn 165 (Nov-Dec 2017) Science fiction is always more important than science.– Timothy Leary The sacred, the sublime, has always walked amongst the profane. The signs are everywhere, blended into the sidewalks, pulp fictions, […]
The Witch – A History of Fear from Ancient Times to the Present: Interview with Professor Ronald Hutton
This article was published in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 11 No 4 (August 2017) A leading academic in the field of Neopaganism, Witchcraft, and Druidry, Ronald Hutton is Professor of History at the University of Bristol. During the 1990s, […]
A Coordinated Corruption: How the Hidden Hand Created a Modern Crisis in the Middle East (Part 3)
From New Dawn 165 (Nov-Dec 2017) In the third and final part of this series, MARC STAR looks at how the war on Iraq in 2003 was based on a deliberate deception. This disastrous war opened the gates of hell […]
A Coordinated Corruption: How the Hidden Hand Created a Modern Crisis in the Middle East (Part 2)
From New Dawn 164 (Sept-Oct 2017) In the second part of this series, MARC STAR examines ignored or suppressed events connected to the September 11, 2001 attacks and the real reasons for the war against Iraq (read Part One here). […]