From New Dawn 177 (Nov-Dec 2019) Power is a peculiar thing. In different ways, we’ve become accustomed to co-existing with it and will even forgo some liberties as part of a Faustian trade-off for various modern conveniences. When that power […]
Mysterious Beasts & Natural Wonders: Toward a New Understanding of Bigfoot, Flying Saucers, Fairies & other Inconvenient Realities
From New Dawn 179 (Mar-Apr 2020) Several years ago a critic wrote about me, “Horowitz is an okay historian, but the guy believes in leprechauns for chrissakes.”That is true – I plead guilty. In this paper, I will try to […]
Rudolf Steiner: Dweller on the Threshold
From New Dawn 171 (Nov-Dec 2018) The most enigmatic figure to emerge from the “occult revival” of the early twentieth century was also the most successful, the Austrian “spiritual scientist” Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Although many of his contemporaries were outwardly […]
You Can Heal Your Life: Identifying the Beliefs & Emotions Causing You Pain and/or Illness
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 13 No 4 (Aug 2019) Our emotions and beliefs form our world. They are the basis for everything we manifest into our lives. Our beliefs are formed over time by our family, upbringing, culture, […]
COVID-19: Trigger for a New Social Order
From New Dawn 180 (May-June 2020) I can remember them saying that ‘everything changed after 9/11’. It did, but certainly not for the better. I think we can all agree on that. I remember how everyone surrendered their rights and key […]