From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 12 No 4 (Aug 2018) The chakras are our energetic blueprint. The knowledge of the chakras is a critical component to genuinely understand the nonphysical energy body. To understand who we truly are, we […]
Dreams, Spirits & the Occult: The Secret World of Carl G Jung
From New Dawn 174 (May-June 2019) On 11 February 1944, the 68-year-old Carl Gustav Jung – then the world’s most renowned living psychologist – slipped on some ice and broke his fibula. Ten days later, in hospital, he suffered a […]
Magic for Grown-ups: The Work of the UR Group
From New Dawn 172 (Jan-Feb 2019) In the consensus view, magic belongs (if at all) in Disney films and Harry Potter books, and adults who actually believe in it are stuck in infantile or medieval superstition. It does not help […]
Secrecy & Surveillance: The Australian National Security State
From New Dawn 177 (Nov-Dec 2019) Australian society, as has been its wont for some time, relishes secrecy and surveillance. Forget the laid-back, relaxed demeanour that remains the great fiction of a confected identity; like all such forced assumptions, the […]
False Flags & Geopolitical Objectives: From the Reichstag Fire to Douma
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 12 No 3 (June 2018) The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamour for such laws if their personal security is threatened.– […]