From New Dawn 121 (Jul-Aug 2010) Human beings are not only the funniest monkeys: they are the sexiest ones as well. In many ways we are a species singularly devoted to sex. We talk, write, read, joke and argue about […]
What Lives On? Investigating Life After Death
From New Dawn Special Issue 7 Do we survive the death of our physical bodies? Is there such a thing as a postmortem continuation of the individual? If there is survival, what survives? Does everyone survive? What does it even […]
Crop Circles: Messages From the Future?
From New Dawn Special Issue 5 (May 2008) Linear time is a frustrating thing. At least to those who inhabit the invisible universe: the souls or spirits. We humans fret about time, or lack of it, or the speeding up […]
Esoteric Australia
From New Dawn Special Issue 3 (June 2007) In 2001 as Australians celebrated the centenary of federation, no attention was paid to the role of mystic thinkers and esoteric ideas in Australian history. The vast majority of Australians know nothing […]
The Enlightened Ones: The Illuminati and the New World Order
From New Dawn Special Issue 11 (Autumn 2010) The world is governed by far different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.– Benjamin Disraeli, nineteenth century British prime minister, in a speech to Parliament […]