What happens to us when we die? It’s a question everyone eventually asks themselves at some point in their life. It transcends racial, social, political, economic and gender lines, making it the one question common to all human beings whether […]
Cheating the Ferryman: A New Paradigm of Existence?
From New Dawn Special Issue 14 (Dec 2010) What happens when we die? This is the ultimate question and one that we still have no real answer. From the first few moments that man became a self-aware being he has […]
The Great Cholesterol Deception
From New Dawn 123 (Nov-Dec 2010) Millions of Australians are prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs – statins like Pravachol®, Zocor® and Lipitor® – each year at a cost of more than $1 billion dollars with very little, if any, benefit. In the […]
The Bible: Myth or History?
From New Dawn 123 (Nov-Dec 2010) Every civilisation needs a myth; but woe to the civilisation whose myth has been found wanting. That is the position of Christianity today. It came to ascendance at a time when the myths of […]
A New Theory for the Great Pyramid: How Science is Changing Our View of the Past
This article was published in New Dawn Special Issue 13 (Sept 2010) Of all the chambers in the Great Pyramid, the subterranean chamber is the largest, as well as the most mysterious. It is 46 feet long, 27 feet wide, […]