From New Dawn 132 (May-June 2012) In March 1991, Random House published The Seeker’s Handbook – The Complete Guide to Spiritual Pathfinding (TSH). The book was carefully timed to serve the need it defined, a need I identified in the […]
The Gympie Pyramid: Evidence of an Ancient Civilisation in Australia?
From New Dawn 132 (May-June 2012) The Gympie Pyramid near the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia has long been a source of fascination for people from around the world as well as Australia, and the subject of a great […]
Nostradamus: Prophet of Hope
The jury is still out on the millennial prophecies of Michel Nostradamus, the French master physician, astrologer and Kabbalist of the sixteenth century. Many regard him as the greatest prophet in Western history, while others find his predictions, especially those […]
Aliens, Predictions & the Secret School: Decoding the Work of Whitley Strieber
From New Dawn Special Issue No 4 (Feb 2008) Anyone who knows anything about the subject of UFOs and alien abduction would have heard of Louis Whitley Strieber, the successful horror novelist, who, in 1987, published a book called Communion […]
Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul
This article was published in New Dawn 116 (Sept-Oct 2009) Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation. Although this phenomenon can be traced back to various esoteric movements that […]