What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind. – Buddha Those of us who grew up in the 1980s were, quite […]
Reptilian Revelations Out of Africa
From New Dawn Special Issue 7 (Autumn 2009) South Africa-based Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa confirms the story of reptilian-extraterrestrials in Africa, another hidden chapter of the lost history of Planet Earth. Having traveled throughout the world, Credo Mutwa, says that […]
Is the Afterlife What We Think It Is? A Challenge from Near-Death Studies
There are millions of stories now of near-death experiences from around the world; each a snippet, a teaser, of what appears to exist on the other side of death. No other human drama carries quite the power this phenomenon does […]
Mysteries, Miracles & Parapsychology
From New Dawn Special Issue 9 (Sept 2009) Parapsychology is full of anecdotal accounts of strange occurrences, which cause many people to simply shake their heads in disbelief.1 The phenomena of parapsychology grade into the mysteries and miracles that are […]
Ouija: How the Spirit World Helped a Pulitzer Prize-Winning Poet
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 6 No 2 (April 2012) Sois sage dear heart & set my teachings down If you do not your world will be undone& heaven itself turn to one grinning skull.1 These lines appear in the […]