From New Dawn 97 (Jul-Aug 2006) There is no other place on Earth like Egypt’s Giza Plateau. Anyone with even a slight interest in history and civilisation is aware of this fact. For on this plateau there stands the Great […]
Consider the Kali Yuga
From New Dawn 97 (Jul-Aug 2006) Academics abhor a mystery the way nature abhors a vacuum, yet in nature there are no vacuums, while in academia there are many mysteries. In no field of science or scholarship are there more […]
Minds Beyond Brains: New Experimental Evidence
From New Dawn 110 (Sept-Oct 2008) Where are our minds located? We have been brought up to believe that they are inside our heads, that mental activity is nothing but brain activity. Instead, I suggest that our minds extend far […]
Secrets of Siberian Shamanism
From New Dawn 110 (Sept-Oct 2008) Today, especially in New Age circles, the term ‘shamanism’ is often used in a generalised way to describe all kinds of indigenous magical practices in a wide range of cultures worldwide. It has also […]
Rescuing the Bible from Literalism
From New Dawn 110 (Sept-Oct 2008) “The world,” wrote the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, “is the totality of facts, not of things.” So it is, but facts take many forms. The hard-edged events of ordinary reality are only one form, and […]