Science tells us that everything is energy and that matter is nothing more than energy in a different form. Our bodies are a composite of many different energy patterns and vibrations. In fact, the universe and everything in it is […]
The Strange Case of The Secret Gospel: A Controversial New Look at the Secret Gospel According to Mark
From New Dawn 82 (Jan-Feb 2004) Even with recourse to the best scholarship and offering the best proofs for events of Jesus’ life and linked issues across history, it is not enough to claim to have found Jesus’ horoscope as […]
Remote Viewing, Astral Travel, the Bardo & Hemi-Sync: An Interview With Skip Atwater
From New Dawn 74 (Sept-Oct 2002) In the midst of the Cold War both the Soviets and the Americans employed psychics to spy on each other’s activities. These were the so-called remote viewers. Both the CIA and the US Army […]
The War on the Cathars
From New Dawn 110 (Sept-Oct 2008) The “Cathar heresy” that struck Southern France in the 13th century, and was viciously persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church, remains a pool of interest and intrigue. What really happened, and what did the […]
Athanasius Kircher’s Theatre of Marvels
The museum of Athanasius Kircher (1602 – 1680) in the Jesuit College of Rome was an obligatory stop for high-class tourists, from John Evelyn the diarist to Queen Christina of Sweden, but they never knew what to expect. The college […]