From New Dawn 74 (Sept-Oct 2002) A persistent legend originating in the East tells of hidden locations on the Earth where there exists certain groups of individuals with both exceptional powers and highly perfected character and consciousness. From these secret […]
Christianity: The Ultimate Secret
From New Dawn 84 Today there is an unprecedented thirst for the innermost secrets of Christianity. The quest for these lost teachings drives the plots of best-sellers like The Da Vinci Code and Holy Blood, Holy Grail; it is discussed […]
Wise Men From the East: Is There a Secret Brotherhood of Masters Who Direct the Spiritual Progress of Humankind?
From New Dawn 91 (Jul-Aug 2005) There is a strange and persistent legend that probably originates in the East. It proposes that in some hidden locations on the Earth (generally the highlands of Central Asia, particularly Tibet, although other sites, […]
New (Reptilian) World Order
From New Dawn Special Issue 7 (Autumn 2009) What if Planet Earth was ostensibly run by a race of shape-shifting reptilians? Believe it or not, this outre’ political-science-fiction scenario has become a focus of historical researchers as well as spiritual […]
The Great Cholesterol Myth
From New Dawn 101 (Mar-Apr 2007) If you eat too much cholesterol, or saturated fat, your blood cholesterol will rise to dangerous levels. Excess cholesterol will then seep through your artery walls causing thickenings (plaques), which will eventually block blood […]