As a kid, watching the synchronised swimming competition of the summer Olympic games, I was always struck by how silly the sport seemed. Not to mention how it looked! Later, as a wise adult, I came to understand and appreciate […]
New Science/Consciousness
Intuition: Delusion or Perception? Toward a Scientific Explanation of the Akashic Experience
The intuitions reported by mystics, poets, artists, ordinary people, even scientists, often go beyond the range of sensory perception. In the reductionist culture inspired by classical science, they are dismissed as mere delusion – classical empiricism claims that there is […]
The Eden Experiment: Aliens, Archons & the Associative Universe
From New Dawn 110 (Sept-Oct 2008) In the timeless library of human myths and legends, perhaps none are more primal and disturbing than the biblical story of the Fall. Responsible for everything from the demonisation of women to the Church’s […]
The Power of the Mind
From New Dawn 106 (Jan-Feb 2008) Living in the world under your skin is a bustling metropolis of 50 trillion cells, each of which is biologically and functionally equivalent to a miniature human. Current popular opinion holds that the fate […]
The Speed of Life: Why Time Seems to Speed Up and How to Slow it Down
From New Dawn 104 (Sept-Oct 2007) I’m six years old, in the car with my parents and brother, travelling back from our annual two week holiday in Conwy, North Wales. It’s dark and the journey seems to take forever. I […]