From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 8 No 3 (June 2014) Today the name Illuminati is used in popular conspiracy literature to describe a mysterious hidden elite out to gain power over the whole world. For some writers the Illuminati […]
Behind the News
Trending to a Multipolar World: Opportunities & Challenges
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 13 No 3 (June 2019) At the conclusion of the Second World War, the United States was the overwhelmingly dominant military and economic power. The other major colonial powers, in particular France and the […]
A Coordinated Corruption: How the Hidden Hand Created a Modern Crisis in the Middle East (Part 3)
From New Dawn 165 (Nov-Dec 2017) In the third and final part of this series, MARC STAR looks at how the war on Iraq in 2003 was based on a deliberate deception. This disastrous war opened the gates of hell […]
A Coordinated Corruption: How the Hidden Hand Created a Modern Crisis in the Middle East (Part 2)
From New Dawn 164 (Sept-Oct 2017) In the second part of this series, MARC STAR examines ignored or suppressed events connected to the September 11, 2001 attacks and the real reasons for the war against Iraq (read Part One here). […]
A Coordinated Corruption: How the Hidden Hand Created a Modern Crisis in the Middle East (Part 1)
From New Dawn 163 (Jul-Aug 2017) Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.– George Santayana1 In May 2017, The Atlantic headlined “The Scramble for Post-ISIS Syria Has Officially Begun” as American-led forces are now directly attacking […]