From New Dawn 105 (Nov-Dec 2007) Strictly speaking, a pagan Christ is a contradiction in terms. The very concept of paganism was constructed by Christians who wanted to distinguish their faith from the old religion of Greece and Rome, which […]
Ancient Mysteries
The Lost Lands of Mu and Lemuria: Was Australia Once Part of a Sunken Continent?
From New Dawn 103 (Jul-Aug 2007) Lemuria and Mu are interchangeable names given to a lost land believed to have been located somewhere in either the southern Pacific or Indian Oceans. This ancient continent was apparently the home of an […]
Before the Fall: Evidence for a Golden Age
From New Dawn 95 (Mar-Apr 2006) If you asked them what life was like in prehistoric times, most people would conjure up an image like the famous opening scenes of 2001: Space Odyssey – groups of hairy savages grunting and […]
The Alchemy of Time: Understanding the Great Year & the Cycles of Existence
From New Dawn 92 (Sept-Oct 2005) The age of iron has no other seal than that of Death. Its hieroglyph is the skeleton, bearing the attributes of Saturn: the empty hourglass, symbol of time run out…– Fulcanelli The inspiration for […]
Ancient Civilisations: Six Great Enigmas
From New Dawn 90 (May-June 2005) We stand today at an unprecedented turning point in human history. In recent years two versions of ancient history have formed. One, we shall call ‘alternative’ history, the other we shall refer to as […]