From New Dawn 166 (Jan-Feb 2018) Twentieth-century Australia was a greenhouse of spirituality and occultism in their many colourful varieties, offering a revolving door to a diverse range of international teachers and practitioners who graced our shores. Among them was […]
Paul V Young
About the Author

Paul V. Young is a freelance writer, published author and occasional contributor to awareness-raising magazines such as New Dawn. He is a certified practitioner of Reiki, NLP and LOA and considers himself a student of mysticism.
The Intriguing Life of Andrew Tomas: The Mystic Who Chased UFOs
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 12 No 2 (April 2018) ‘Ancient Aliens’ is the title of a popular show running on the History Channel, now in its 12th season, but the same title was used on a book published […]
A Link in the Golden Chain: The Life & Times of Vyvyan Deacon, Australia’s Pioneer Metaphysical Teacher
From New Dawn 161 (Mar-Apr 2017) Early twentieth century Australia saw a flowering of alternative spirituality when a number of communities, particularly in Sydney and Melbourne, embraced the influx of occult and spiritualistic practices from Victorian England. A central figure […]
The Secret World of Pamela Travers
This article was published in New Dawn 170 (Sept-Oct 2018) The masterfully told stories of a magical nanny that held adults and children alike spellbound for decades might incline readers to think that Australian author Pamela (P.L.) Travers merely had […]
The Mystery of Flight MH370: Looking for Clues in All the Wrong Places
From New Dawn 150 (May-June 2015) The following article appeared in New Dawn 150 (May-June 2015). For an up to date look at the continuing mystery surrounding Flight MH370 see Paul Young’s story in New Dawn 161 (Mar-Apr). As we […]