This article was published in New Dawn 116 (Sept-Oct 2009) Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation. Although this phenomenon can be traced back to various esoteric movements that […]
Ian Lawton
About the Author

Ian Lawton was born in 1959. After gaining a degree in Economics from UCL and qualifying as a chartered accountant, he sold computer software for several years before, in the late eighties, helping to found a business and IT consultancy company. Throughout this period he spent most of his spare time racing motorcycles and then cars. In his mid-thirties he forsook the commercial world to become a writer-researcher specializing in ancient history, esoterica and spiritual philosophy. His first two books, Giza: The Truth (1999) and Genesis Unveiled (2003), have sold over 30,000 copies worldwide. In The Book of the Soul (2004) he first developed the idea of Rational Spirituality, also establishing himself as one of the world’s leading authorities on the interlife; and in The Wisdom of the Soul (2007) he first introduced the idea of the holographic soul. He followed this up with further spiritual books including The Little Book of the Soul (2007), The Big Book of the Soul (2008, a complete rewrite of the 2004 book), Your Holographic Soul (2010), The Future of the Soul (2010) and The History of the Soul (2010, a revision of the 2003 book). He then switched to writing several spiritual novels, The Man Who Didn't Die (2011) and The Girl Who Learned to Live (2012), before penning another self-help pocket book, The Gift (2013). His most recent research has led him to establish the radical worldview of the Supersoul (2013), and the equally empowering message of The Power of You (2014). To these are being added a third research volume, Afterlife (2016), and the simpler books What Jesus Was Really Saying (2016) and Sh*t Doesn't Just Happen!! (2016). Website: