From New Dawn 199 (Jul-Aug 2023)
We are in the process of an accelerated spiritual evolution that is unprecedented in the known universe. Ancient prophecies and astrological theory together agree that we are living at a moment of great transition and change, but the rate of change that is occurring is something that has never been known before and was not anticipated by our most prescient sages.
The old world is dying and crying out to be saved; a new world is emerging and we are all being drawn into it. This new world offers incredible possibilities: a shift in the very nature of our consciousness and of the dimensional structure of the region of the world in which we live; a promise of “ascension” to a way of being where all the old conflicts melt away, and where harmony, love, and joy are the constant bases of our existence.
But the passage to this new world seems fraught with struggle and disorientation. It doesn’t seem that we are very well prepared to make this shift. Unresolved emotional trauma, intentions, and personal histories lie dormant within us; and if they are not dealt with by each one of us, we will resist the coming changes. Resistance will cause us great suffering and prevent us from embracing the possibilities that are open to us.
“It was the best of times and the worst of times,” wrote Charles Dickens about the years of the French Revolution. It seems there is a cosmic law at play, that where there is great hope there is also great danger: that where we seem on the brink of disaster, unimagined benefit may lie just around the corner.
A Fork in the Road
We have reached a fork in the road; are we going to awaken to our true genius and potential as infinite consciousness and ascend as one planet? Or are we going to remain entrapped in our limited identity and remain on the karmic wheel of reincarnation? The choice is between the mechanical mind, which keeps you in separation, and the intuitive heart, which connects you to all that is.
If we don’t change our direction, we’re likely to end up where we are headed, and because we have been so spiritually ignorant, it’s going to take major Earth changes to wake us up. Many Native Americans believe that most of the people of Earth will die and then travel back to the stars where they came from. From there, it is believed that their transformation will be easier.
Those who are living from the heart, and are connecting to Mother Earth, will stay here as the planet transforms. There’s a new energetic configuration for the Earth, and people who are ready are able to stay with it as it upgrades into the higher frequency of fourth-density. The Native Americans call them the people of One Heart; they say we will become literally one people, breathing in unison. From there, we will begin to transform into a new humanity.
We will be led through an amazing series of consciousness movements and experiences as we enter fourth-density. We already know all of this on a very deep inner level, for the pathway is already recorded in our DNA.
It is so important to be fearless and to know that you are One with the Infinite Creator. When you know that, the transformation will be easy; it will also be extremely pleasurable. The bottom line is that we must be balanced on Earth, or the planet will go through a pole shift and solar flash.
The Hundredth Monkey
The Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata, has been observed in the wild for a period of over 30 years.
In 1952, on the island of Koshima, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the raw sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant.
An 18-month-old female named Imo found she could solve the problem in a nearby stream. She taught this trick to her mother. Her playmates also learned this new way and they taught their mothers. Various monkeys gradually picked up this cultural innovation before the eyes of the scientists.
Between 1952 and 1958, all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable.
Only the adults who imitated their children learned this social improvement. Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes. Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes – the exact number is not known. Let us suppose that when the Sun rose one morning, there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash sweet potatoes. Let’s further suppose that later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes.
Then it happened!
By that evening, almost everyone in the tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them. The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough!
But notice. A most surprising thing observed by these scientists was the habit of washing sweet potatoes jumped over the sea – colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama began washing their sweet potatoes!
The above information is from Ken Keyes Jr., the creator of the Living Love method. It came from a 1981 book titled The Hundredth Monkey.
Reaching Critical Mass
When a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind. Although the exact number may vary, the Hundredth Monkey phenomenon means that when only a limited number of people know of a new way, it may remain the consciousness property of these people. But there is a point at which if only one more person tunes in to a new awareness, a field is strengthened so that almost everyone picks up this awareness!
The Shift of the Ages is the awakening of humanity’s heart; it is the movement from the polarised mind – which is a continual state of judgment and does not connect the dots to see wholeness – to the heart, which is connected to Source, and only knows Unity. This transformation of consciousness, the greatest one ever recorded, first became apparent in the mid-1960s and has been building momentum ever since.
The shift is a collective transformation consisting of the sum of each individual’s step into the new reality. Each person, in their own time, is moving forward into a stage of consciousness that brings a wider vista and an awareness that springs from the heart. When enough people’s primary attention focuses through their heart chakras, then the ‘hundredth monkey effect’ will occur.
What Will it Take to Create Critical Mass?
Let’s begin by taking a look at some of the characteristics of an ascension-ready person. There is a shift in identity that is inclusive of the fact that you and I are perfectly functioning holograms of the One Infinite Creator; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our inner light is shining brightly, and we are truly present in life. Now we are coming from an unlimited inner supply of joyfulness, inner peace, creativity, inspiration, compassion, unconditional love and fulfilment, rather than looking to outer circumstances to try to find it. Our relationships, livelihood, friends, etc., now become a place in which we live and experience that wholeness that is emanating from within.
Then, The Law of One, like all the great spiritual teachings, makes it very clear that the shift each of us needs to make is from service to self – meaning using control and manipulation to get what you want at the expense of others – to service to others.
This speaks to the importance of shifting from a “you or me world” to a “you and me world.” In the former, the old paradigm, where we are living in a “what’s in it for me world,” no one is empowered, and therefore, nobody makes any real difference, no matter what they do. Even acts of great courage are coming out of a condition where a meaningful contribution to the whole is not possible. They merely show up as gesturing or showing sympathy for the less fortunate.
You are familiar with the idea that says if you give someone a fish dinner, that person will be well fed for the moment. Yet, if you teach that person how to fish, he or she will be fed for a lifetime. That is the shift that each of us needs to make, from gesturing to empowerment; from “you or me” to “you and me.”
What are the rules for functioning effectively in this new paradigm of a world that works for everyone? Surprisingly, they are very simple: you lead by example. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Then you have to find a way to be efficient, to get five out for every one you put in. It’s what Buckminster Fuller calls The Trimtab Principle. When the captain turns the ship’s wheel, the wheel turns the trimtab, the trimtab turns the rudder, and only then does the rudder turn the ship.
The Great Awakening
Are we creating this necessary critical mass, and are we doing it in a way that alleviates the need for severe Earth changes, such as the solar flash? In a word, yes. Remember – in the same way that heart attacks, cancer and other illness and disease are a direct result of our individual unbalances, earthquakes, volcanos, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados and the like are the result of our collective disharmony.
We are living in the midst of a great awakening, where the collective darkness is being brought to the surface in order to be transmuted into the light of the higher dimensional energy that is enveloping and affecting us all. What we are living through now – this collective dark night of the soul – is absolutely necessary; we must be shown – not just told – how we have been controlled and manipulated by a malevolent group of psychopaths for a very long time. We are also seeing how their time is up; that level of evil and corruption cannot survive in these accelerated times.
As they are removed from the scene, we will be given a level of freedom that we could previously barely imagine. What if your car battery could also fuel all the energy for your entire home? What if you could put a thousand pounds of garbage in a machine and hours later get pure, drinkable water and usable fuel as we transition into free energy? What if we evolved the automobile after a hundred years of similar design and added anti-gravity technology, making it a gas-free hover car?
If this existing advanced technology, which the Cabal has blocked, were to come into mainstream use, we would live in a world with far less pollution, less environmental stress and more safety and protection. We would be stepping into the golden age. We would be creating the perfect bridge that would allow us to transition into fourth-density in an orderly and organic way.
Living in Two Worlds
The entire planet, and everyone on it, is in the throes of this change. We are all mutating – Mother Earth is in transition and so are we, individually. Some of us are more aware of this than others. It means we get to experience the joy of having more light flow through us and also the inconvenience of having our old world dissipate before the new one is fully manifested.
For those of us who are staying current with these evolving times, we are literally living in two worlds. The first is the everyday world as we know it; I live in it as though it will always be here; I suggest you do, also. That means we have bills to pay, we have families to love and care for, and we must do our best to help the world in whatever way we can.
At the same time, we must prepare inwardly for what we know is coming. We are being given an opportunity to resolve lifetimes worth of karma so we can move into the higher worlds. It is important to embrace our darkness within as it arises from suppression; it is important to realise that we are being given an opportunity to revisit our unresolved issues so we can transmute their stagnant energy into life-enhancing internal guidance systems that are clearly contributing to our aliveness. From that new-found presence, we are in the space of “no-mind” and are thus connecting to Source through our Higher Self.
When you have reconnected your severed aspects, you are living from your heart, not from your mind. It then becomes a natural expression to experience and express your wholeness in the form of service to others and to do it in a way that empowers them to make a difference. Loving and helping people to remember who they are and being of service to the world is the only outer purpose that creates character. This will assist you greatly as you journey into higher consciousness.
When you are connected in this way, you create a vibration within that is recognised by Mother Earth. As the dimensional shift takes place, you will be taking the most exciting journey of a lifetime. Mother Earth knows you and will protect you under all circumstances, and you will become part of the “One heart beings” that will begin the journey beyond the stars and into the higher worlds.
The Christ-consciousness grid has been fully formed and birthed. It is now alive and conscious; it is a living energy field around the Earth, and this changes everything. In every instance, whenever a grid has become a living entity and connected to its planet, it has always gone to the next level. Mother Earth has made a conscious decision to move into the higher worlds of the fourth-density and beyond.
We are now in a heart-based energy field; when you connect to it, a new possibility opens up. This means that our spiritual acceleration will quicken dramatically – there is nothing left to stop it.
It also means that sometime, perhaps soon, the entire cycle that we are now on will disappear in a single day. In its place, a whole new world will be birthed, one based not on the mind but rather on the heart. We are right on the edge of the emergence of this world. Everything is in place; the grid is alive and functioning, yet most of the world continues in its old pattern, thinking this is the way it will be forever, hardly imagining that something incredible is about to occur.
This is a time of great celebration as we move out of the darkness and into the light. It means that the veils will be lifted, we will remember and live our intimate connection to all life, we will be allowed to reunite with our cosmic brothers and move about the universe. This is the birth of a new humanity; we will completely redefine what it means to be human!
My book, Catching the Ascension Wave, will fill you in on all the details of the upcoming shift. Sharing exercises, tools, and techniques to transmute the energies blocking access to your Higher Self, we will explore how the infusion of higher dimensional energy is impacting planet Earth and each of us. I will show how reconnecting with your Higher Self enables you to harness the ability to create great abundance and recognise our intimate connection to all life and to the Infinite Creator.
Catching the Ascension Wave: Everything You Need to Know about the Coming Great Awakening by Bob Frissell is available from all good bookstores.
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