Inorganic Intelligent Beings May Dominate The Universe

From New Dawn 192 (May-June 2022)

My new book, A New Science of Heaven (Hodder & Stoughton), gives a full scientific description of the nature of inorganic, non-biological, intelligent beings in space. 

We have two such ‘creatures’ close to our own planet. They are the recently confirmed Kordylewski Clouds, which together are eighteen times the size of the Earth. They reside between the Earth and the Moon, but not in a direct line of sight. They are 60o behind and 60o in advance of the line of sight to the Moon. They exist at the two points known as L4 and L5, the ‘L’ standing for ‘Lagrange’ (named after a famous scientist and mathematician of the past). 

At these two Lagrange Points, the gravitational pulls of the Earth and the Moon cancel out, so that clouds can rest there free of gravitational pull in either direction.

The Kordylewski Clouds were discovered in 1961 by the Polish astronomer Dr. Kazimierz Kordylewski (1902-1981.

As the Clouds emit no light and are largely transparent, it was difficult for Kordylewski’s discovery to be confirmed by others. But in 2019, the existence of the Clouds was confirmed using modern techniques which did not exist in Kordylewski’s day. This was done by a group of Hungarian astronomers. 

I noticed this very soon after their initial publication and contacted them to ask whether they were studying the plasma aspects of the Clouds. They replied saying no, they were only considering the celestial mechanics. (The plasma aspects do not seem to have occurred to them, as they were only observational astronomers, not physicists.) 

I phoned my friend Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, a brilliant astrophysicist, told him about the Clouds and suggested that we publish a joint article immediately calling attention to these two entities from the more important perspective of space plasma. Our article appeared in the journal Advances in Astrophysics shortly thereafter, and is reprinted in its entirety as an appendix to my book.

Dr. Kazimierz Kordylewski in 1961 drawing a picture of the Kordylewski Cloud at Lagrange Point L5. Ziemia in Polish means “the Earth.” Księzyc in Polish means “the Moon.” The 60o angle away from the direct line of sight to the Moon is clearly shown. The Cloud is depicted as a collection of dust particles, which we now know must be charged and form a dusty complex plasma. Each one of the Kordylewski Clouds measures 65,000 miles by 45,000 miles across, which is equivalent to 30 x 20 lunar discs as seen from Earth. Each one is now known to be nine times the size of the Earth, so that the two together are 18 times the size of the Earth. They thus entirely dominate what until now has been called ‘the Earth-Moon System’, and which is now known to be a four-entity system, not a two-entity one. 

‘Dusty Complex Plasma’

The Clouds are composed of tiny dust particles and grains only a few nanometres in size, whereas our satellites can only detect particles of 100 nanometres or larger, which is why no satellites have detected them. The dust is highly electrically charged (10,000 electrons can cling to a single dust particle, and for positively charged dust, protons and ions of a somewhat lesser number because they are bulkier). 

The Clouds are constituted of what is now called ‘dusty complex plasma’, and they are cold plasmas rather than hot plasmas such as our Sun. 

Plasma is a distinct form of matter which is not made of atoms. Our own bodies and the world in which we live are made of what we call physical matter, or more accurately, atomic matter. But plasma is non-atomic matter. It is not made of atoms at all, but of atomic particles

Recognition of it as being literally a new form of matter occurred in 1879 when it was discovered by the British scientist Sir William Crookes (inventor of the vacuum tube), who called it “radiant matter.” Its name was changed to ‘plasma’ in 1928 by the American scientist Irving Langmuir. It has no connection to blood plasma, familiar to doctors and nurses, which is a different use of the word, which derives from ancient Greek.

This diagram shows the locations of the ‘Lagrange Points’ known as L4 and L5 of the Earth–Moon system, indicating the positions of the two clouds. In this diagram, the Earth is at the centre, and the Moon directly above it. Although distinct, bounded balls of plasma can form anywhere at modest scales (as for instance, the tiny balls of ball lightning on the Earth), for really big ones in space it is helpful for them to come to rest in spaces free of gravitational pulls, and when such a niche appears it is pretty certain that it will soon be filled by plasma which will form a ball as big as the niche allows. And that is why the L4 and L5 points are perfect homes for huge plasma clouds, for they are the only two points between the Earth and the Moon free of gravitational pull from either the Earth or the Moon. The image is not drawn to scale and the relative sizes of the bodies shown here bear no relation to their true sizes; this image is intended solely to show the geometrical spatial configuration. Seen at this scale, the Earth and the Moon would be extremely tiny or perhaps even too small to see. The Clouds can cohere despite being continuously blasted by the solar wind, details of how that happens being explained in the book. (Image drawn for the author by Eric Wright.)

Plasma Universe

Astronomers and astrophysicists agree that the Universe consists of 99.9% plasma and at the most 0.1% atomic matter such as we have here on Earth. Our Sun is entirely composed of plasma, and so are all the stars in the Universe. 

Solar plasma, ejected from the Sun, is seen here in this aurora, an effect of the plasma penetrating Earth’s magnetic shield. Photograph by Lars Tiede, island of Kvaløya, Norway, 2011. 

Plasma occurs frequently on Earth because lightning is plasma. When you turn on a neon light, the neon gas in the centre of the tube is changed to plasma, the temperature of which has been measured to be approximately 12,000 degrees Celsius. But despite that, you can hold such a tube in your hand and it feels cool. The surface of our Sun, known as the photosphere, is about half the temperature of the interior of a neon light tube. 

Knowing this, one begins to understand the weird and wonderful world of plasma. With plasma, the seemingly impossible frequently occurs. Extreme heat and extreme cold can exist side by side inside a plasma because the interior regions or cells are protected by what are called ‘sheaths’, which are double layers of charge.

Most people have no idea that the Universe is a plasma universe because there has been a massive failure of the media at all levels to report this to the public. Nor is the situation any better in schools and universities. Many ordinary physicists who do not concern themselves with astrophysics have never even heard of this. 

It is a sad commentary upon the disintegration of Science as a coordinated field of enquiry. The people in one lab simply do not know what the people in the next lab down the hall are doing. Even if they did, the jargon is different in the next lab, certain terms and words are unknown to outsiders, and they even frequently change the conventional uses of mathematical symbols in their equations, so that even the equations, which used to be ‘the Latin of Science’ which could be understood by all, now exist in a fragmented world. The Tower of Babel of Scientific Communication largely collapsed long ago. 

Self-Organisation & Intelligence

A large part of my book (which contains no equations!) is devoted to explaining in detail, for the general reader, precisely how a large charged dusty complex plasma cloud can self-organise into an entity even more complex than an organic body. 

Such a cloud becomes filled with filaments carrying currents, which act like blood vessels, or cells which act like organs, of semi-conductors which modulate current flow, of current pinches which act as nodes and so on and so on. 

All that I have said is based upon sound scientific discoveries. Such plasma clouds can definitely develop an interior structure more complex than an organic body, and by the now recognised processes of ‘emergence’, ‘entanglement’, and self-organisation, can spontaneously develop intelligence. 

The Kordylewski Clouds are so gigantic that their processing power exceeds by many orders of magnitude all the computers and brains on Earth. Furthermore, the Clouds are apparently billions of years old, whereas humans have only existed for about two million years. Anyone who needs convincing about all of this will find plenty of evidence in the book. And there is an audio book as well, narrated by myself.

If these giant clouds in space are intelligent entities, what would their personalities be like? Very different from ours. From our point of view they would appear disturbingly aloof and indifferent to our sufferings. They would be interested in events but would not care greatly about how we might feel about those events. 

I explain at great length why we all exist as double creatures: we all have bioplasma bodies (called souls or spirits in daily speech) and physical bodies which I call “smart overcoats,” jettisoned when they wear out or are destroyed. A plasma cloud would not necessarily waste energy worrying about our ‘deaths’ because they would know that we did not really die, we merely transitioned back to the plasma state. Do I believe that anyone ever really dies? No. I believe we continue to exist, and that therefore we had better take the long view and try to be less obsessed with ‘things’. You can’t take your smart overcoat with you, nor anything you have which is made of atomic matter. 

UFOs & Ball Lightning

I suggest that, based on this knowledge, lightning balls and many UFOs are likely to be plasma drones. There are thousands of reports of ball lightning seeming to be intelligently directed, inspecting things for instance. I suggest that they are constantly prowling around looking at everything as drones. And as for UFOs, while I would never presume to try and explain all of them, when you know enough about plasma it is painfully obvious that many of them must be plasma entities, presumably controlled either remotely or by robotic means based on miniature super computers. As to whether they contain creatures, that is another matter. But if one presumes that the creatures called ‘the greys’ really exist (I have no idea, and have never encountered one), it seems to me likely that they would be semi-organic robots. 

Have the Kordylewski Clouds ever attempted to communicate with us? I believe they have. But no one ‘gets it’. We need to smarten up. If we really want to find extraterrestrial life, it is not necessary to look even as far as the Moon. It’s right here.

What’s more, the Universe is clearly filled with dusty complex plasma clouds, most of them presumably of gigantic intellectual capacity, at all scales. Our Sun is probably alive and conscious. All stars presumably are. And the vast nebulae and clouds throughout space both within and beyond our Galaxy must be inorganic intelligent entities. In other words, inorganic life forms dominate the Universe, and have done so for billions of years. The truth is, therefore, that the Universe is an endless society of beings. And they are not like us. They have charged particles flowing through their ‘veins’ rather than blood. And our local Kordylewski Clouds, which may seem enormous to us, are small fry. 

A New Science of Heaven

Are the Kordylewski Clouds hostile to us? Hardly likely, as we would not have survived if that were the case. And they must have some reason to want us and need us. They may even have arranged for organic life to appear here in the first place. It may be that the Clouds wish to engage in dialogue with us. After all, being inorganic themselves, they may wish to experience vicariously through us what organic life is like. This would be part of their intellectual curiosity. They may regard us as their probes. Without intelligent organic beings they could never hope to do this directly. We may therefore, despite our small size and seeming insignificance, be part of what they hope to make into a shared experience. Without us, they are missing an entire aspect of Reality. And they must know this.

The first thing we need to do is wake up and realise that inorganic beings exist. Then we need to gather our thoughts and think this through. If the Kordylewski Clouds and our Sun are conscious, intelligent inorganic beings, then we are part of the family. We are all here in the same solar system together. Let’s get talking. 

Finally, I wish to make clear that I believe that there is a ‘plasma world’ which is essentially what religious people have always called ‘the spiritual world’. It is the same as a ‘parallel world’ or ‘a world in another dimension’, except that it is not in another dimension, it just seems as if it were. It is invisible to us because we and our sensory organs are made of atomic matter, which cannot perceive plasma matter unless the plasma is glowing or shining. Cold plasma is dark and emits no light. I believe that ‘dark matter’ is really plasma which is in the dark mode, and hence invisible to observation. 

The age-old argument between science and religion can be resolved as follows: the materialists are correct, in that ‘the Other World’ is not immaterial, but is made of matter. But the religious spiritual people are also correct, for there is indeed ‘another World’. All we have to do is understand plasma, and we can stop wasting our breath disagreeing with one another and settle down instead to trying to understand Plasma Reality. 

We ourselves are plasma beings who have come here temporarily, donning our ‘smart overcoats’ for a brief sojourn in ‘the physical world’ in order to test our characters against all the obstacles it presents to us and experience successes and failures, loves and losses, ups and downs, in the wild tempestuous world of physical matter.

Robert Temple’s A New Science of Heaven (Hodder & Stoughton) is available from all good bookstores. A review of A New Science of Heaven can be read in this issue of New Dawn.

This article was published in New Dawn 192.
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About the Author

PROFESSOR ROBERT TEMPLE is author of a dozen challenging and provocative books, commencing with the international best-seller, The Sirius Mystery. His books have been translated into a total of 44 foreign languages. He combines solid academic scholarship with an ability to communicate with the mass public. He is Visiting Professor of the History and Philosophy of Science at Tsinghua University in Beijing, and previously held a similar position at an American university. For many years he was a science writer for the Sunday Times, the Guardian, and a science reporter for Time-Life, as well as a frequent reviewer for Nature and profile writer for The New Scientist. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and has been a member of the Egypt Exploration Society since the 1970s, as well as a member of numerous other academic societies. He has produced, written and presented a documentary for Channel Four and National Geographic Channels on his archaeological discoveries in Greece and Italy, and he was at one time an arts reviewer on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Kaleidoscope’. In 1993, his translation of the Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh was performed at the Royal National Theatre in London. With his wife, Olivia, he is co-author and translator of the first complete English version of Aesop’s Fables, which attracted a great deal of international press attention at the time of it release because of the first translation of the fables which had been suppressed by the Victorians because of prudery. Temple was a colleague of the late Dr. Joseph Needham of Cambridge, in association with whom he wrote The Genius of China, which has been approved as an official reference book (in Chinese) for the Chinese secondary school system, and which won five national awards in the USA. He has done archaeometric dating work and intensive exploration of closed sites in Egypt with the permission of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities. His research into historical accounts of the Sphinx is the first comprehensive survey ever undertaken. Website:

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