Hybrid Humans: Scientific Evidence of our 800,000-Year-Old Alien Legacy

From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 12 No 2 (April 2018)

Millions of people believe that advanced extra-terrestrial races have visited Earth, whether in recent or ancient times. Some suspect DNA was itself seeded onto this world or that human beings are the product of genetic engineering by galactic civilisations. We won’t be looking at modern visitations here, but we will offer a fresh perspective on the evidence for ancient astronauts. 

Anybody interested in whether aliens have visited this planet will know the names Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Däniken. Not only have these two researchers sold millions of books, but their ideas form the basis for the extremely popular cable television show ‘Ancient Aliens’. The fundamental core arguments offered by Sitchin and Von Däniken permeate through all discussions on the ancient astronaut subject.

Zecharia Sitchin argued that clay tablets left by the ancient Mesopotamian civilisations detailed a prehistoric extra-terrestrial visitation. According to Sitchin’s translations of these tablets, 450,000 years ago rocket ships visited Earth from a planet called Nibiru located out on the fringes of our solar system. These cosmic travellers came in search of gold, required for use in their technologies. The Nibiru-ite workers disliked the difficult work of mining and processing gold ore, leading to the expedition’s scientists engineering a slave species. The genetic engineering involved splicing alien genes into the genome of the resident archaic hominins, Homo erectus. The result of this Nibiru-ite genetic engineering was the first Homo sapiens, a species that became self-determining once the aliens left our planet, 2,500 years ago.

Erich von Däniken took a different direction with his search for evidence of ancient aliens, involving a laborious examination of ancient megalithic sites, artefacts and the legends. Von Däniken deduced that extra-terrestrial beings visited Earth during the latter part of the Stone Age before the first complex cultures had formed. His stated position is that we can see the evidence for this relatively recent ET contact when we look at human religions and myths. Däniken suggests that in some instances ancient cultures may have even recorded the faces of these ‘alien gods’ in their works of art. As to why these advanced beings came here and interacted with primitive humans there is less of a clear manifesto. Perhaps these beings were simply exploring the cosmos and stumbled onto our planet. Von Däniken suggests that human civilisations emerged due to the accelerating effect of contact between our ancestors and these advanced beings.

The books written by Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Däniken differ in many ways, but they do share a few fundamental correlations. In both models summarised above, the visiting entities initiate human upliftment from the Stone Age and start us on the road towards technological development. The most problematic overlap between these hypotheses is the reliance on highly subjective evidence which allows for interpretations which exclude extra-terrestrial beings. This last point is important for us all to acknowledge because it is for just this reason that, according to surveys, around 50% of people still don’t believe aliens have visited this planet. 

Highlighting the limitations affecting the current state of the ancient alien investigation is certainly not meant as any personal attack, neither on Sitchin or Von Däniken. Without these legendary researchers, there might be no conversation at all happening on this subject. To move the ancient astronaut debate forward, we first have to acknowledge the elephant in the room, the lack of smoking gun evidence. Megaliths and pyramids are human engineered constructions, cuneiform and hieroglyphs are human recordings, aliens might have inspired some of them, but we can’t prove that. People are still waiting for evidence that will convince their sceptical boss, dismissive husband or sneering best-friend.

Highlighting the fact that the best material on offer is insufficient to convince people beyond the echo-chamber of our insular community might sound down-heartening. I imagine many of you, just like us, are tired of conversations in which you try to share your belief in ancient astronauts and end-up feeling awkward, annoyed or upset. It stinks to be thought of as wildly eccentric or looked at like a mindless idiot – trust us, we get it.

Having co-authored two books on the role extra-terrestrial intelligence has played in human history, estranging friends and embarrassing our families in the process, we understand what it would mean to find solid objective ET evidence. Having already experienced initiation in the searing fire of public opinion, we felt there was nothing to lose in us giving it another go. We then did something that nobody else had done before – we abandoned the guidance of ancient records and decided to follow the clues offered in the book ALCHERINGA – When the first ancestors were created. The respected Australian psychic medium, Valerie Barrow, wrote this book back in 2002. We have been lucky enough to meet Valerie and know her to be of outstanding character.

ALCHERINGA – When the first ancestors were created tells the tale of advanced extra-terrestrial colonists travelling to Earth in a remote epoch. After experiencing the loss of their ship and considerable hardships on the planet surface, the surviving crew members engineer the ancestors of Homo sapiens. The alien scientists modified the genome of the resident hominin species, also splicing some of their genes into the new creature. The core story here may well sound familiar, having overlaps with the works of Sitchin, Von Däniken, and a dozen other researchers. 

So why is ALCHERINGA – When the first ancestors were created superior to any other possible sources we could have used? 

The answer to the above is that this manuscript is incredibly detailed, describing several major anomalous events and occurrences on such a scale they would leave tangible traces if real. The book details the author’s direct interactions with an extra-terrestrial consciousness, a star being which communicated through an ancient artefact left in her care. The entity informed Valerie that she would meet people who would help her with the book’s content. Subsequently, over twenty individuals shared their retrieved past life memories of the ancient visitation. Many of the people seemed to have specifically entered Valerie’s life to offer their piece of the story, and most were unconnected to each other. 

Some of you might be wondering how a tale involving discarnate entities and past life memories can be considered any more scientific and objective than theories based on pots shaped like spaceships or ancient writings describing space gods. Valerie was herself perfectly aware that the book would attract natural scepticism and when it was first published she chose to end the manuscript with the following words:

“The information in this book is presented to you without any claims whatsoever. It is up to you to decide if there is meaning within, and if its message applies to you.”

Well, we had our reasons to believe there was indeed meaning within and that the message did apply to us. We also knew that some past life memories had been scientifically proven to offer genuine records of historical events. Professor Ian Stevenson, of the University of Virginia’s Division of Perceptual Studies, spent decades investigating past lives and successfully used children’s recollections of recent past lives to track down places, former family members and historical events. Under rigid scientific protocols, a sceptical academic had proven that past life recall could be a reliable source for locating objective evidence. 

With so many people offering their memories of the events we were rather spoiled for choice as to which parts we should attempt to validate. Some of the individuals remembered being crew members on the colony ship from the Pleiades, while others recalled being reptilians from Orion in control of Earth and responsible for destroying the mothership. A few sets of memories even involved people being born into the first generation of hybrids created by the Pleiadian survivors. 

We selected some of the most significant claims in the narrative and then set out to see if we could validate them. Sixteen years had passed since the book was released which meant there was some chance that relevant scientific discoveries might have occurred in the adjoining years. Not only did we find several such scientific studies which offered support for the story, but these had all been published long after the book, meaning Valerie would not have had access to this data. 

Our first aim was to attempt the impossible, track down any physical evidence of the Pleiadian mothership. The ship represents a technology far ahead of our own, not only able to travel vast distances but itself sentient and grown from a type of crystal. This vessel is described as colossal, crewed by 50,000 beings. The weapon used in the ambush combined electromagnetic forces with sonic resonance – it not only shattered the hull but also melted most of the fragments, which then fell toward the planet’s surface. 

We must admit that we were doubtful that any traces of an alien vessel destroyed in space hundreds of thousands of years ago would remain today. Surely, this was one part of the story we would just have to leave to the open-mindedness of the reader. Our state of pessimism remained right up until the moment we found the darned thing, and not just a few pieces but a significant part of the wreckage. To our great fortune academics had already retrieved pieces of the debris and carried out an extensive analysis of the material. Numerous scientists had published papers on the subject with all of them admitting a high degree of bafflement. We were the exception, rather than being baffled we were distinctly elated!

With the remnants of the mothership located we now had the location confirmed, Australia, and a date, 800,000 years ago (approximately). The original story had the survivors heading straight down from the mothership in their escape crafts, arriving in Australia, meaning that we now had another important correlation in the claims. Assuming the mothership exploded in geostationary orbit, both survivors and wreckage should come directly down and hit the same region of land (or sea) immediately below. The survivors landed near Gosford, where one individual purportedly used a laser to engrave a record of the tragic events in stone. It is beyond our ability to prove this part of the account is true, but the images engraved on a rock wall near Gosford do seem to tell the tale of a wrecked craft and its marooned survivors.

Among the past-life accounts, two people offered details of another mission to Earth, five years after the colony ship’s destruction. This time a military fleet travelled through the Pleiades gateway and arrived in orbit, dragging enormous asteroids behind them. The pilots of these vessels, a leonine race, gave a summary notice to the remaining reptilians to vacate their subterranean bases and return to Orion, or face obliteration. Suffice to say, the planet was inevitably pummelled by huge space-rocks, bringing about a cataclysmic result.

We all know that occasionally our planet takes a hit from a rogue meteor of considerable size, it is infrequent, but it happens. The Earth being hit by multiple large objects from space at the same point in time, with impacts across multiple continents, that would be a huge anomaly. We assumed that any event on that scale would be something easily recognised by geologists, the fact we had never heard of anything like that made us dubious. It turned out that the reason why we had not heard of such a bombardment was that the evidence had only been discovered in late 2016. A team of geologists from Heidelberg University identified evidence of multiple large asteroid impacts across Asia, Australia, Canada and Central America all in a short period. Their models suggested a resulting global cataclysm of fires, earthquakes, tsunamis and immense dust clouds blocking the sun.

With our research producing one confirmation after another, we grew confident in the book’s guidance. We identified a few additional correlations and then explored the validity of claims made about the method of travel, also the suggestion that DNA had first been seeded on this planet billions of years ago. However, we still had one major mountain to climb, the acquisition of detailed scientific evidence to support the claim that our species, Homo sapiens, were the product of extra-terrestrial genetic engineering. Many researchers have claimed such a cosmic creation story, but none have ever produced relevant academic data which could convincingly validate the theory.

Well, this last requirement would have been a nearly insurmountable challenge, requiring months of delving into complex academic papers. That was if not for the fact we had already read through most of the relevant evolutionary studies during the research process for our previous book, The Forgotten Exodus: The Into Africa Theory of Human Evolution. We were already aware of many anomalies in the human evolutionary story, peculiarities within the genome and of evidence suggesting Australia as ground zero for ‘Eden’.

With some additional combing through scientific papers, we were able to build on what we already knew, highlighting a raft of genetic anomalies which were in our view the fingerprints for genetic engineering. One important part of our argument was the fusion of two human chromosomes resulting in chromosome-2. This fusion event has been claimed as evidence for ET manipulation many times before, but scientists have always countered that chromosomes can fuse naturally, something observed in many species. Indeed, even wild and tame horses differ in the number of chromosomes they carry due to just such a fusion event.

Where the fusion of chromosome-2 becomes a big neon flashing light for ET modifications to early humans is when we consider the fact that the greatest sudden acceleration in human brain size coincides with the dating of this fusion event. The same moment that chromosome-2 fuses also marks the beginning of genetic diversion from the last shared ancestor for Neanderthals, Denisovans and Sapiens. These three human lineages all carry the fused chromosome, and the benefits it gifted them were so incredible that humans with 46 chromosomes would go on to populate the entire planet while those with 48 rapidly went extinct. One of the genes that accompanied this sudden expansion in our neural capabilities is ARHGAP11B, responsible for development of the neocortex. ARHGAP11B has been highlighted as anomalous by scientists because it is a tiny snippet of DNA from a much longer gene somehow trimmed out, duplicated and then reinserted into the human genome. To call this sudden replication and insertion of such an important gene sequence suspicious is to understate the matter enormously. 

There is of course far more to this investigation than we can share in a single piece of writing. Valerie Barrow has brought back to humanity the forgotten story of the Pleiadian starship, Rexegena, while all we have done is confirm that this story is nonfiction. The final gift from our star-born ancestors is the ET disclosure for which so many of us have hungered. Make no mistake this is ‘disclosure by the back door’ free from the moderation of shady ex-spooks or former politicians. So, if you are tired of hearing the laughter of sceptics, grab your copy of ALCHERINGA – When the first ancestors were created and Hybrid Humans: Scientific Evidence of our 800,000-Year-Old Alien Legacy.

This article was published in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 12 No 2.
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About the Author

BRUCE FENTON has spent over two decades investigating anomalous phenomena and ancient mysteries. His research of a megalithic site in the Ecuadorian Amazon featured in major newspapers, including the UK’s Telegraph and the Daily Mail. His hypothesis of Australasian Aboriginal connections to Turkey’s Gobekli Tepe complex appeared as a feature in the Epoch Times. He is perhaps best known for his expedition into the Georgian Caucasus mountains for Discovery Channel’s Giants of Georgia episode of their popular show, The Unexplained Files. Bruce has appeared numerous times as a guest expert on History Channel’s Ancient Aliens episodes. Ever a popular podcast guest Bruce has discussed his research findings on top-ranking radio shows such as Anthony Pompliano’s podcast and Coast to Coast AM. His two published books include glowing forewords from the living legends Graham Hancock and Erich von Daniken. Bruce considers his most important work is an independent Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence initiative, nicknamed Geological and Genomic SETI. The findings from these two projects stand ready to change our understanding of the cosmos and our human story. Please follow Bruce’s work on his Substack (https://brucefenton.substack.com) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/GeologicalSETI) accounts. Any level of financial support via Patreon is very much welcomed.

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