Giza – The Tesla Connection: An Interview with Christopher Dunn

From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 18 No 2 (April 2024)

Unlimited, inexhaustible, clean energy – free for everyone. Fantasy or real? According to Christopher Dunn, ‘free energy’ is not only possible but was a reality for the Ancient Egyptians.

Christopher Dunn

A lifelong master craftsman, machinist, and engineer with experience in aerospace and a focus on precision and laser application, Dunn became fascinated with the Great Pyramid at Giza after reading Peter Tompkins’ iconic book The Secrets of the Great Pyramid. He spent more than 20 years studying the Great Pyramid and other Egyptian sites.

Due to his engineering background, Dunn saw things in the Pyramid’s construction that others missed. Most people marvelled at the Pyramid’s size and asked, “How did they do it?” Dunn examined its precision and asked, “Why was it necessary?”

Dunn burst into the limelight with the 1998 publication of The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt. Dunn revealed that the Great Pyramid was a giant power generator – an acoustical device that created harmonic resonance with the Earth and converted the planet’s natural vibrations into usable energy for an ancient civilisation. He showed that the Pyramid’s numerous chambers and passageways were positioned with deliberate precision to maximise acoustical qualities.

In 2010, he followed up with Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt: Advanced Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs, a unique study of the engineering and tools used to create Egyptian monuments, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that advanced knowledge and machining was utilised.

Dunn’s new 2024 book, Giza: The Tesla Connection: Acoustical Science and the Harvesting of Clean Energy, expands his hypothesis that the Great Pyramid at Giza was built as an advanced energy-harvesting machine.

Dunn proposes that the Ancient Egyptians used the Great Pyramid to generate clean free energy, similar to what genius inventor Nikola Tesla later envisioned, as indicated in the title of his new book.

Today, the world is suffering an energy crisis. The solution to our woes might be literally staring us in the face – on the Giza plateau. Will anyone listen? New Dawn recently spoke to Christopher Dunn.

A: East to West cross section of Grand Gallery with 8 of 27 installed resonators. B: North to South view along the length of the Grand Gallery. C: Close up of ceiling showing scorch marks. D: Ceiling scorch marks with resonator frame illustrating its correlation.

NEW DAWN (ND): What discoveries have been made since the publication of The Giza Power Plant?

CHRIS DUNN (CD): For those not familiar with the book, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt is a reverse engineering exercise that began in 1977. The objective was to find a reason why every feature discovered in and around the pyramid exists. In a nutshell, it describes the Great Pyramid as a machine, the function of which was to draw energy from the Earth and distribute it to the inhabitants at that time. This ultimately led to the publication of the book in 1998.

While there has been a lot of discussion about lost civilisations and ancient cataclysms, my intention while writing the book was to focus primarily on the physical evidence inside and around the Great Pyramid. Having said that, it is becoming clearer now, with the fine work of other investigators and their introduction of new evidence, that a cataclysm occurred in antiquity and the Great Pyramid, along with everything else existing in physical form that sustained a sophisticated society, was damaged beyond repair, as was the civilisation that built it.

Since The Giza Power Plant was published, quite a few discoveries have been made in and around the Great Pyramid that support and allow refinements and strength to the theory. In chronological order, they are:

• In 2001, while being filmed for a documentary on the Giza Plateau near Cairo, Egypt, I received permission from Zahi Hawass [Egypt’s Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs at that time] to go inside the Great Pyramid, which had been closed for cleaning. While inside the Grand Gallery, I noticed and photographed scorch marks on the ceiling. The pattern matched my theorised design of the frames that held a series of acoustic resonators. In The Giza Power Plant, I posited there was a hydrogen explosion inside the King’s Chamber that pushed out the walls and cracked the ceiling beams. I did not believe that evidence to support this theory would exist in the Grand Gallery, but in consideration of all other evidence, it would have been perfectly reasonable to do so. I just didn’t think of it at the time.

• In 2002, the Queen’s Chamber South Shaft was explored by a robot named Pyramid Rover, designed and built by iRobot in Massachusetts, USA. The hydrogen that exploded, I theorised, was created in the Queen’s Chamber. This conclusion was reached by examining evidence that had been discovered related to the chamber and its North and South Shafts.

With much fanfare and an audience that had been primed to be glued to their televisions for the intended broadcast of new pyramid discoveries, the Pyramid Rover prepared to climb the shaft and drill through a limestone block at the end. This blockage was first discovered by robotics engineer Rudolph Gantenbrink in 1993 and subsequently labelled “Gantenbrink’s Door.” While preparing to drill through the blockage, the thickness of the door was measured using an impact-echo probe and determined to be 3.25 inches thick. My illustration of this “door” showed a thickness of 3.6 inches.

The image captured by an endoscopic camera inserted through the hole showed another blockage approximately 10 inches from the “door.” Not much else that was remarkable was revealed in the South Shaft at this time. No other theory offered at the time regarding what would be revealed was correct. However, what was revealed did not negate my theory, but for it to be proven 100% correct, more information was needed.

Little did I know at the time that further validation of the theory was discovered after the iRobot team completed their work in the South Shaft and the documentary production crew departed. Before packing up their equipment and exiting the pyramid, the iRobot crew sent the Pyramid Rover robot up the North Shaft. Gantenbrink had attempted to explore the North Shaft in 1993, but could not navigate beyond two long exploratory rods that had somehow become stuck where the shaft turns on an angle to the left. Using a different tactic, by turning their robot 90 degrees so that it gripped the walls instead of the floor and ceiling, the Pyramid Rover was able to ride over these obstructions.

Evidence of chemical inlet shaft.

Pyramid Rover revealed two pieces of evidence supporting my theory about using these shafts. One was an opening in the East wall near one of the bends approximately 90 feet up the shaft from the Queen’s Chamber. I theorise that chemicals were introduced into the shaft behind the blockage, but this evidence showed that the entrance for the chemicals was lower down.

The other evidence revealed was the existence of another blockage, similar to the South Shaft, but with electrodes that were not corroded and with one that was recessed and showed signs of electroplating.

Dr. Friedemann Freund’s discovery.

• In 2006, Dr. Friedemann Freund, a NASA physicist, completed his laboratory experiment confirming his theory that earthquake lights were the result of electron flow propagating through the lithosphere when peroxy defects in their minerals were subjected to stress. His conclusion was that under certain conditions, igneous rock beneath our feet turns into a giant battery.

• In 2010, another robot team from Leeds University in the UK, and headed by Chinese dentist Dr. TC Ng, fashioned a different style of robot which Dr Zahi Hawass named Djedi, the name of Khufu’s magician [in reference to Pharaoh Khufu of the 4th Dynasty who is said to have commissioned the Great Pyramid]. The Djedi robot was equipped with a snake camera that was able to look around the small space and even look behind Gantenbrink’s “door.” The images it captured allowed me to slightly modify my engineering design, but overall supported my proposed function for these features.

• In 2017, the Scan Pyramid Mission released the muography images taken inside the Great Pyramid. Muons passing through the Great Pyramid would impinge on special plates set up inside the Queen’s Chamber and Grand Gallery. The image that resulted from the interaction identified voids inside the pyramid. Of particular interest was a large void above the Grand Gallery. Discussing this with aerospace engineer Eric Wilson, he offered the idea that it would have been used to pre-amplify microwaves travelling down the shaft before they entered the King’s Chamber. In association with that, drawings made available by Rudolph Gantenbrink of the King’s Chamber’s North Shaft have made it possible in my new book Giza: The Tesla Connection to illustrate this shaft with greater accuracy and point out features that are consistent with waveguide design.

• On 20 July 2018, the Journal for Applied Physics published an article entitled “Electromagnetic Properties of the Great Pyramid: First Multipole Resonances and Energy Concentration” by Mikhail Balezin, Kseniia V. Baryshnikova, Polina Kapitanova, and Andrey B. Evlyukhin. In this article they reveal the results of their findings of the electromagnetic nature of the pyramids: “Electromagnetic field distributions inside the Pyramid at the resonant conditions are demonstrated and discussed for two cases, when the Pyramid is located in a homogeneous space or on a substrate. It is revealed that the Pyramid’s chambers can collect and concentrate electromagnetic energy for both surrounding conditions. In the case of the Pyramid on the substrate, at the shorter wavelengths, the electromagnetic energy accumulates in the chambers providing local spectral maxima for electric and magnetic fields.” ( 124, 034903)

ND: Of those, which do you think is the most significant discovery?

CD: Without hesitation, I would say the most significant discovery was Dr. Friedemann Freund’s. While Dr. Freund was only focused on developing the means to predict when an earthquake was about to happen, his proven lab experiments demonstrating his physics correct provide confidence that his discovery has the potential to solve the world’s energy needs.

Moreover, when it comes to the reason behind building pyramids around the world – knowing that an abundant supply of electrons can be stimulated to rush to the surface as well as the new research showing that pyramids focus electromagnetic energy – there is solid proof that the Great Pyramid was part of a larger global system. For alerting me to Freund’s work, I must thank researcher Robert Vawter, who recently passed away.

ND: Did The Giza Power Plant anticipate or predict this discovery?

CD: The Giza Power Plant discussed earthquake lights, ball lightning and other natural phenomena but focused more on the piezoelectric effect of quartz crystals. Freund identified a new physics more related to semiconductors that does not rely on the piezo-effect. In fact, Freund found that one igneous rock called Gabbro has no silicon quartz crystals in it and was more effective in producing electron flow than other igneous rocks.

ND: What discoveries could have been or were predicted since the publication of The Giza Power Plant?

CD: All the evidence discovered in the Queen’s Chamber shafts was predicted to exist. The only difference is between my engineering design and that subsequently discovered. Scorch marks in the Grand Gallery could have been, but were not, predicted. Eric Wilson had stressed to me that the MASER needed a preamp to function properly. The “Big Void” may eventually be proven to have functioned in this way.

Electron Harvester with Tesla Connection.

ND: How would such an advanced power system shape our society?

CD: Considering that we have been burning fossil fuels to produce electricity for over 100 years, reducing this method can only benefit the environment. In 2021, America burnt enough coal to build a pyramid that would be 76 times the size of the Great Pyramid. Current methods are highly inefficient and expensive compared to drawing electricity from directly beneath our feet. From a psychosocial perspective, the mental health of humans would improve if we were not depleting the Earth’s natural resources and polluting the atmosphere.

ND: What other areas of science and engineering do you envision will evolve from this system?

CD: One area of improvement is the transmission of electricity. Electric vehicles are gaining in capabilities and efficiency. I envision a delivery system that transmits electricity without wires, as Nikola Tesla proposed with his Wardencliffe Tower project. I believe car companies could benefit from developing this technology by building their own electron harvesters that would wirelessly deliver power to vehicles and reduce, or eliminate, the need for batteries.

The recent disclosure of UAPs navigating our airspace and displaying capabilities that we can only dream of possessing provides an indication of what is physically possible. It would seem, though, that breakthroughs in physics, as demonstrated by Freund, for example, are necessary before reaching this level of technological competence. One hundred years of technological advancement has resulted in a world that looks nothing like the world I lived in 78 years ago. If technology improves at the same pace into the future, our children and grandchildren will see a world that looks nothing like the world we live in today.

ND: How are the Egyptian people reacting to your theories about their monuments?

CD: Many Egyptians are now abandoning the pyramids as tombs theory and seeing their monuments in a different light. After the publication of The Giza Power Plant, it became clear to me that Western scholars were not accepting the evidence I presented that elevated the capabilities of the ancient Egyptians. After 10 years, I decided to appeal directly to Egyptian engineers with my book Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt. In the book, I identified and analysed artefacts to conclude they must have been machined and challenged Egyptian engineers to inspect the artefacts themselves. I’m happy to report that an Egyptian engineer, Ahmed Adly, took up the challenge and created a series of YouTube videos where he presented his results.

An important artefact he inspected was one of the boxes in the Serapeum. He concluded that I was right and provided me with a Foreword for Giza: The Tesla Connection. In his Foreword, Adly reports on a meeting he had with Dr. Ashraf Sherbini, a physicist at Cairo University, who agreed with my theory that the Great Pyramid was a machine. Adly’s videos have been well-received in the Arabic-speaking world, especially among Egypt’s youth. I believe that if Egypt’s history is to be rewritten, that task should be performed by the Egyptians, not outsiders.

A chapter in Giza: The Tesla Connection is devoted to the Serapeum and also introduces new revelations on pre-dynastic vases that have recently been subject to modern inspection methods.

ND: Has there been any interest expressed by energy companies?

CD: An energy company from Malaysia has expressed a keen interest in developing the technology. My philosophy is that any entity wishing to develop it should be free to do so without barriers or exclusivity.

ND: Is there more to reveal in the Great Pyramid?

CD: Yes. Further research is ongoing. Of some I am aware, and I’m sure there are others I do not know about.

ND: Are you currently working on any other writing project?

CD: I do not plan on writing any more books. However, the recent metrological inspection of pre-dynastic vases has created quite a stir. Several have been inspected using conventional mechanical inspection methods, as well as structured light and CT scanning. The results are simply mind-blowing. STL files are available on and have been downloaded and analysed by engineers around the world. The mechanical inspection of the vases can be viewed at One analysis was performed by cryptographer and mathematician Mark Qvist and his colleague. His article can be read at This research, which now involves the Egyptians, is ongoing and articles targeting specific audiences need to be written. 

Diagram images courtesy of Chris Dunn and Inner Traditions International. There are more images inside the published version of this article.
Read the full story and contemplate all the convincing evidence in Chris Dunn’s new book Giza The Tesla Connection: Acoustical Science and the Harvesting of Clean Energy. Order your copy from all good bookstores.
This article was published in New Dawn Special Issue Vol 18 No 2.
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Freund, Friedemann. “Rocks that Crackle and Glow: Predicting Earthquakes.” Filmed at the 33rd annual Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) Conference in 2014 at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, Burlingame, California, USA,
Freund, Friedemann. 2016. “Using Semiconductor Physics to Forecast Earthquakes.” TEDx Talk Christchurch, NZ.
Freund, Friedemann, Ouillon G., Scoville J., and Sornette D. 2018. “Earthquake precursors in the light of peroxy defects theory: critical review of systematic observations,” European Physical Journal (EPJ)
Pyramid Rover exploration of the Queen’s Chamber North Shaft. Ancient Architects YouTube channel,

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