From New Dawn 206 (Sept-Oct 2024)
Behind the scenes, puppet masters of the so-called deep state have become so self-assured of an impending global triumph that they no longer thoroughly camouflage their crimes against humanity with multi-layered disinformation and the propaganda of illusion. Instead, uncritical, dumbed-down majorities everywhere are more easily gulled than past generations by today’s perfunctory attempts at concealment. Such translucent cover-ups allow investigators unprecedented access to the truth simply because our over-confident rulers, less intimidated by it, have let their guard down.
A recent case in point is the attempted assassination of former US president and (at the time of writing) current presidential Republican candidate, Donald Trump, at a mid-summer rally near the city of Butler, in western Pennsylvania.
That it was, in gangster vernacular, “an inside job,” is self-evident, if only because every chief-of-state from Julius Caesar to John Fitzgerald Kennedy and beyond could have only been killed by persons with immediate access to the human target, given the otherwise impenetrable, state-of-the-art protection surrounding the victim, from Rome’s Pretorian Guard to America’s Secret Service. Assassination is impossible without their complicity, as most recently and clearly demonstrated by the Trump incident.
Although the Organisation armée secrete (OAS) – the “Secret Army Organisation” – attracted leading French armed forces’ officers and trained sharpshooters, repeated attempts by the OAS to kill the President of France, Charles de Gaulle, were consistently thwarted by the government-sponsored expertise, numbers and surveillance of his Gendarmerie nationale.
So, too, the US Secret Service is considered among the world’s foremost federal agencies entrusted with the life of a Chief Executive. Its professional reputation was sharply contrasted on 13 July 2024, stemming from untypical incompetence almost beyond belief. Or due to something else.
For example, the gunman fired from a position only 100 paces from Trump. This close range was well within the security parameters otherwise invariably and previously staked out by Secret Service agents assigned to such events. How could the assassin have escaped their attention, especially when members of the public saw him with a firearm on the roof of a nearby building just north of the Butler Farm Show grounds where Trump’s rally was held? These same eyewitnesses urgently pointed out the rifleman to the attending police, who did nothing. They refrained from even notifying their fellow officers.1

For the past several years, standard Secret Security practice includes reconnoitering (mapping) each public meeting to which agents are assigned with remotely operated drones before, during and after the event, in real-time and digitally recorded. If so, how did aerial photography fail to alert the authorities on 13 July? Were drones even used on that day? If not, their absence suggests something darker than ineptitude.

Revealingly, the accused assassin fired an AR-15, the civilian version of the military M-16. To qualify on an M-16, US Army recruits must score a shot on a human-sized silhouette at the end of a nine-week training period from 150 metres – the same distance from which the right temple of Trump’s head was missed by one centimetre.2 This narrow escape implies that his hitman was a qualified marksman trained in the US armed forces.

An easier mark was the target’s larger, relatively stable upper torso, but hitting the chest area is less lethal than a more difficult headshot, even for a professional rifleman, whose assignment was to score a death blow. As such, the apparent expertise of the Butler County assassin casts serious doubt on the alleged Pennsylvania shooter. According to current and former Bethel Park High School students, Thomas Matthew Crooks tried out for his school’s rifle team but was disqualified due to poor aim during tryouts.3 The nursing home dietician was never a member of any American military organisation, and his sub-standard shooting skills were at variance with the skilful headshot that so narrowly missed the former president. It seems clear that Crooks was not the likely shooter, although he may have randomly shot into the crowd of “deplorables” (Hillary Clinton’s snobbish derogation of Trump’s followers) to take the life of an attendee and wound two others.

What was Crooks, then? A “patsy,” the same term used by another improbable assassin to self-describe his role in an earlier presidential murder. Just as Lee Harvey Oswald was himself gunned down after having been set up as the fall guy to deflect attention from the actual killers of sixty-one years ago, so Crooks was conveniently silenced to take full blame for the attempt on Trump’s life. Both men were and are continuously categorised as “the lone gunman,” a historical “lone ranger,” and just as fictitious; a characterisation necessarily applied to every high-level assassin as cover for the real murderers, whose identity, if exposed, could threaten the sham democracy covering their tracks.
Although multiple crowd members independently observed a second shooter from a water tower4 at the rally site outside Butler, such a line of inquiry diverts from more essential issues, such as Bethel Park School District officials, who claimed no record exists of Crooks trying out for the rifle team.5 It has vanished along with Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts, all of which disappeared down an Orwellian memory hole within hours after his death. He left no digital footprint and virtually no social media trace, which is remarkable for a young adult in these cyber-days. His only prior claim to fame – and an uncredited one, at that – was his brief appearance on a television commercial for BlackRock, Inc., the largest investment firm in the world, with more than $10 trillion in assets.6 It owns or is a major shareholder of CBS, MSN, CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, YouTube, Disney, Walmart, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, and a great deal more.

BlackRock, Inc. controls 90% of the world news and entertainment media, including China’s US congressionally black-listed companies that manufacture facial recognition software for government spying on its own citizens. Some of BlackRock’s top holdings include Coca-Cola, Microsoft and Apple, together with large positions in Broadcom and Nvidia, two of the largest semiconductor companies in the United States. BlackRock’s founder and CEO, Larry Fink, sits on the board of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). BlackRock acts as the financial powerhouse for the globalist CFR and World Economic Forum, adjuncts of the New World Order, with its genocidal scamdemics and attacks on freedom.
Despite Crooks’ apparently studied anonymity, a chronology of events culminating on 13 July begins to emerge from the facts available. A perfect storm of disparate but at least fundamentally complementary interests had been swirling around each other at least since 2017 when self-styled comedienne Kathy Griffin held up a mock-severed head of President Trump. They coalesced on 27 June with Joseph Biden’s positively calamitous performance during an internationally televised debate with the Republican candidate, whose long-desired liquidation seemed a viable option to at least some of his Democratic opponents.
Days later, a Democrat Congressman from Mississippi, Bennie Thompson, called for removing Trump’s personal security by cancelling the former president’s Secret Service protection, a measure still under consideration up until the assassination attempt.7 On 8 July, Biden exclaimed at a meeting of his donors, “it’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.”8 Had the order been given? In any case, five days later, Trump was shot. For the last eight years, he has been consistently demonised and hysterically blamed by most news media spokespersons for everything from runaway inflation and violent street crime to “climate change” and Covid-19. When this relentless campaign of vilification could not undermine his popular support, Congress impeached him, and he was indicted on minor charges. Again, without effect.
Having failed to stop him by public methods, some of his most hate-crazed enemies in high places may have decided upon the final argument to which tyrants traditionally resort. Many others would certainly cheer a successful outcome, as indicated by an article written for The Atlantic by David Frum, “The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator. Violence stalks the president who has rejoiced in violence to others,” one day after the assassination attempt.9
But why Donald Trump? He has threatened, if re-elected, to suspend all further aid to Ukraine, both economic and military, unless Kyiv immediately negotiates with Russia for a cease-fire. Such an armistice might save thousands of lives, but it would most definitely negate Larry Fink’s plans to rebuild Ukraine after the current war has reduced the entire country to ashes. Therein may lie the connection between BlackRock, Inc. and Thomas Matthew Crooks. It certainly explains Fink’s close ties with the Democrat Party, which has given (as of this writing) $175 billion of US taxpayer money to Ukraine. Many American politicians like Lindsay Graham openly encourage the subsequent military defeat and destruction of Russia. BlackRock’s prospects for rebuilding the warring nations offer far greater profits.
Domestically, Trump is mostly hated and feared not for what he is but for how he is perceived by millions of mostly white, middle-class Americans. They want to see in him the embodiment of effective resistance to the disgraceful condition of their country. To people like Lindsay Graham or David Frum, Trump followers are “deplorable” racists and nationalists, comprising the growing vanguard of a looming fascist dictatorship. To circumvent such an existential threat to democracy, when all else fails, you cut off the snake’s head and the serpent dies. This was the analogy that culminated on 13 July.
Had Trump been killed, Biden would have stayed on as the Democrat nominee to handily win the presidential election because the Republican Party, not unlike the ‘Jack Ass Party’, is made up entirely of inept non-entities. Instead, Trump’s survival in good health instantly gave him more political influence than any candidate for the White House could ever hope for. The shooting that was supposed to take him out of the running and clear a direct path to the presidency for the Democrat hopeful resulted in its precise opposite. Biden had no choice but to nod out of the race. His comparison with Trump was too humiliating.
As the deep state puppet masters undoubtedly had pre-arranged contingencies in place before the attempted assassination, allowing them to profit from the event – regardless of the outcome – they must just as surely lock and load acceptable alternatives to the November election, certainly where their most important interests lie.
Meanwhile, the masses of naïve voters, encouraged in their folly by a complicit news media, will yet again imagine they are saving democracy or determining the destiny of their country when they are actually nothing more than unwitting performers in a stage play produced for the ulterior purpose of deceiving them into innocuous passivity while lending counterfeit legitimacy to a criminal syndicate of profiteers insatiably obsessed with unbridled power.
In Act III, Scene 7 of Major Barbara, by the great Irish playwright Bernard Shaw, an early 20th century version of Larry Fink confronts a democratic politician ambitious for government office:
“The government of your country? I am the government of your country: I, and Lazarus [his corporate partner]. You will do what pays us. You will make war when it suits us and keep peace when it doesn’t. You will find out that trade requires certain measures when we have decided on those measures. When I want anything to keep my dividends up, you will discover that my want is a national need. When other people want something to keep my dividends down, you will call out the police and military. And in return you shall have the support and applause of my newspapers and the delight of imagining that you are a great statesman. Government of your country? Be off with you, my boy, and play with your caucuses and leading articles and historic parties and great leaders and burning questions and the rest of your toys! I am going back to my counting house to pay the piper and call the tune.”
1. Clear Signs Pres Trump’s Butler Pennsylvania Rally Assassination Attempt Was A Set Up,
2. Boot Camp Training Manual, U.S. Army. Revised Edition. U.S. Army Printing Office, 2016.
3. Thomas Matthew Crooks,
4. Multiple Eyewitnesses At The Trump Rally Says There Was Another Shooter At The Water Tower, While Crooks was allowed to get off as many as five or eight shots into the crowd before he himself perished in a barrage of anti-sniper bullets, this noisy gunfire allowed the second and professional shooter in the water tower to make good his escape under cover of the ensuing chaos. Crooks had unknowingly served the assassin’s purpose as a sacrificial distraction.
6. What Are The Odds Of Blackrock Putting Out A Commercial That Has Donald Trumps Shooter Thomas Crooks,
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