Founded in Melbourne, Australia, in May 1991, New Dawn magazine has become a global voice for those seeking ancient wisdom, greater awareness, and a deeper understanding of the world. With each issue, New Dawn explores the hidden dimensions of society, culture, history, religion, and current events—all presented in a non-dogmatic, thought-provoking manner.
From its origins in the cultural and intellectual hub of Melbourne, New Dawn has grown into an essential resource for readers worldwide who are searching for insights beyond the mainstream narrative.
Unveiling Hidden Knowledge
New Dawn magazine delves into fascinating topics such as lost civilizations, ancient knowledge, secret societies, and higher states of consciousness. Each issue offers a captivating blend of cutting-edge articles on the unexplained and the behind-the-scenes events shaping our present and future.
But New Dawn is more than a magazine; it’s a platform for diverse ideas and creative thought. We don’t tell you what to believe—we present perspectives that inspire consideration, spark curiosity, and empower exploration.
Challenging the Consensus Reality
Mainstream media perpetuates a rigid “consensus reality,” shaping beliefs through societal conditioning. From birth, individuals are immersed in an environment where conformity is the norm—passed down by parents, teachers, neighbors, and entire communities.
In this environment, awareness is often sacrificed, and existence becomes mechanical. Individuals are reduced to cogs in what William Blake called the “Dark Satanic Mill” or what Philip K. Dick described as the Empire’s “Black Iron Prison.”
“You are in prison,” declared G.I. Gurdjieff. “If you wish to get out of prison, the first thing you must do is realize that you are in prison. If you think you are free, you can’t escape.”
Similarly, Dr. Wilhelm Reich stated: “It is possible to get out of a trap. However, in order to break out of prison, one must first confess to living in a prison.”
Two Ways of Seeing the World
In today’s media-saturated landscape, you have a choice:
- Accept the narratives presented by the establishment media and those in positions of authority.
- Begin questioning the mass hypnosis, awakening to new perspectives and untapped possibilities.
New Dawn is your doorway to the latter—a guide to seeing the world through fresh eyes and uncovering hidden truths.
Expanding the Vision
In 2004, New Dawn began publishing Special Issues, focusing on ancient mysteries, lost histories, and unexplained phenomena. These Special Issues, released every two months, offer a deep dive into the greatest enigmas of the past, present, and future.
From decoding the mysteries of lost civilizations to exploring the evolution of consciousness, these editions are thought-provoking explorations that challenge and inspire.
Thank You for Joining Us
Thank you for reading New Dawn, founded in Melbourne with a mission to illuminate the unseen and spark intellectual discovery. We believe you’ll find every issue insightful, enlightening, and absolutely unique.
As you embark on this journey of discovery, may you uncover new perspectives and truths that empower your life.
Welcome to the adventure.
Here’s what people are saying about New Dawn
Today more than ever, it turns out that New Dawn magazine was right about so many things.
– Frederick Dodson, Reality Creation Coaching (
“I sense a great generosity of spirit behind New Dawn. Each issue touches both the heights & depths of human aspiration… Thus the reader finds the whole spectrum of our unique historical moment, & the means to take advantage of it.”
– Professor Joscelyn Godwin, musicologist, translator and author of Atlantis and the Cycles of Time, The Golden Thread & Arktos
“Great stuff keeps coming out in New Dawn. Anyone who does not read New Dawn is guilty of self-harm.”
– Prof. Robert K.G. Temple, best selling author of The Sirius Mystery
“I read many magazines, from all over the political and religious spectrum, but New Dawn is the one periodical I most look forward to each issue. It never fails to deliver provoking political analysis, hard-to-find esoteric insights, and valuable pointers to health alternatives. Do I agree with everything it prints? Certainly not. But there is nothing quite so stimulating as well-written articles challenging one’s unexamined assumptions about the world we live in. New Dawn is hard to put down – or pin down. In short, it’s a great magazine.”
– Jay Kinney, Publisher of GNOSIS magazine (1985-1999)
“Fresh, vibrant, and always surprising, New Dawn is a constant reminder that reality is rarely what it appears to be. One of very few magazines I enjoy reading today.”
– Richard Smoley, author of Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition and former editor of GNOSIS
“In this world there are very few high-quality publications that will publish truly controversial articles on subjects that are generally regarded as taboo. For example, I have been privileged to write serious and well-documented articles for New Dawn on the bacterial cause of cancer, the man-made epidemic of AIDS, the human radiation experiments, and the dangers of vaccine programs. What ‘mainstream’ publication can you think of that would dare publish such material? I am delighted that New Dawn exists — and I am honoured to contribute to it.”
– Alan Cantwell, M.D., author of AIDS and the Doctors of Death
“There are few magazines as unique as New Dawn, combining a genuine understanding of the occult basis of the New Age, a healthy respect for all traditions, and hard-hittting unflinching political analysis – always with a positive eye on the future.”
– Jose Argüelles (aka Valum Votan), author of Time and the Technosphere
“New Dawn magazine is one of the best sources of realistic information on the state of things in our world as it nears its inevitable and predicted end. For some people it could seem to be a little bit strange and weird, phantasmagoric… But the reality in which we live is itself something strange and weird… New Dawn magazine helps us to persist. And gives us hope for the better world that is coming…”
– Alexandre Dugin, Russian philosopher & leader of International Eurasian Movement (dubbed by the Western press as “Putin’s brain”)
“At times, reading New Dawn felt like you were participating in an experiment rather than just passively reading a magazine.”
– Robert Black, PhD